[Bolincentret-at-su.se] Bolin Centre Seminar Series | Research Area 4

Volker bruechert volker.bruchert at geo.su.se
Fri May 4 12:40:45 CEST 2018


Welcome to the fifth seminar in the Bolin Centre Seminar Series!

The host is Research Area 4: Biogeochemical cycles and climate 

*Greenhouse gas emissions from aquatic environments – how can we 
approach key challenges?s

*Professor David Bastviken, Department of Thematic Studies: 
Environmental Change, Linköping UniversitySpeaker: Professor David 
Bastviken, Department of Thematic Studies: Environmental Change, 
Linköping University*
*Time:May 8 at 11h15–12h15*
*Place: Högbomsalen, Geoscience Building*

The lectures will usually be streamed and saved on the Bolin Centre website.

Greenhouse gas (GHG) emissions from lakes, reservoirs and running water 
have recently been identified as major components of the land GHG exchange.
The need to better quantify fluxes and understand flux regulation is 
evident, but fundamental challenges on how to account for spatiotemporal 
variability and perform robust scaling remain.
In this presentation new approaches based on for exemple sensor networks 
and hyperspectral imaging, will be explored as possible ways to address 
these challenges.
Gålfalk, M., G. Olofsson, P. Crill, and D. Bastviken (2016), Making 
methane visible, Nature Clim. Change, 6(4), 426–430, 

*A lunch sandwich will be served, please e-mail bolin at su.se 
<mailto:bolin at su.se> if you would like one.*



*Best regards, Volker Bruchert

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