[Bolincentret-at-su.se] Invitation to MISU seminar today at 14:15

Lena Anna Frey lena.frey at misu.su.se
Thu May 24 08:24:06 CEST 2018

Hi all,

Please note a change of time for the PhD seminar at MISU today.

The seminar held by Ines Bulatovic starts at 14:15.


Ines Bulatovic<https://www.misu.su.se/about-us/contact/staff/ines-bulatovic-1.309113>

PhD student at MISU


Volcano and ship tracks indicate excessive aerosol-induced cloud water increases in a climate model

Time and Place

Thursday May 24th, 14.15
Rossbysalen C609, Arrhenius Laboratory, 6th floor


Kind regards,

Lena Frey

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