[Bolincentret-at-su.se] Reminder: 3 Bolin Centre events in 2 days - 23-24 May!

bolin.geo bolin at su.se
Mon May 22 15:32:08 CEST 2023

Dear Bolin Centre members,

This is a reminder about the series of exciting Bolin Centre events scheduled to take place on May 23rd and May 24th, 2023.

  1.  Bert Bolin Science Seminar<https://bolin.su.se/about-us/events/bolin-science-seminar-1.654093> - May 23rd from 10:00 to 11:00 at De Geer:

This seminar will focus on the topic of precipitation efficiency in deep convective clouds and its sensitivity to temperature and aerosol perturbations. It is held annually alongside the Bolin Climate Lecture and will be presented by Professor Trude Storelvmo.

No registration is required; you can simply show up.

  1.  Panel Discussion and Networking<https://bolin.su.se/about-us/events/bridging-the-gap-between-climate-science-and-policy-1.654092> - May 23rd from 13:00 to 15:00 at Accelerator:

Theme: "Bridging the gap between climate science and policy"

Join us for an engaging panel discussion and networking session aimed at bridging the gap between climate science and policy. Please note that the event will now take place at Accelerator, offering enhanced opportunities for interaction and networking. Distinguished speakers, including Member of the European Parliament Pär Holmgren, Professor Trude Storelvmo, Annika Jacobson (the new Climate General of the City of Stockholm), and the Bolin Centre Directors, will lead the discussion. The focus will be on exploring ways to improve the meaningful exchange between science and policy. After the panel, we invite you to mingle with the panelists and visit the exhibition at Accelerator.

Please be aware that the number of available places is limited, so we kindly request that you register in advance to secure your spot.<https://su.powerinit.com/Data/Event/EventTemplates/2602/?EventId=2371>

  1.  Bert Bolin Climate Lecture 2023<https://bolin.su.se/about-us/events/bert-bolin-climate-lecture-2023-1.652136> - May 24th from 14:00 to 15:00 at Aula Magna:

Concluding the event series, we have the highly anticipated Bert Bolin Climate Lecture 2023. The lecture will delve into the fascinating link between microscale cloud physics and large-scale climate change.

Kindly note that the format of the Lecture will differ from the Science Seminar, and we strongly encourage you to attend the Lecture in person.

Please take a moment to register for the event<https://su.powerinit.com/Data/Event/EventTemplates/2602/?EventId=2303>.

We warmly invite you to join us for these enriching events. We also encourage you to help us spread the word by registering for the events and sharing this invitation with your networks.

We look forward to your active participation and hope you find the time to attend and explore themes that may lie beyond your primary focus area.

Best regards,


Bolin Centre for Climate Research

bolin at su.se<mailto:bolin at su.se>


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