[Inparanoid] Inparanoid-4.1 :: inparanoid.pl usage improvement

Eric Deveaud edeveaud at pasteur.fr
Tue May 27 16:39:15 CEST 2014

	Dear Sir, 

First let me introduce us. We install and maintain biological softwares on the
HPC cluster at the "Institut Pasteur" in Paris (France).

We were asked to install inparanoid-4,1 on the cluster, so we did.

Users would like to easily change the various parameters (eg: run_blast,
use_bootstrap, score_cutoff, ... ) as they need. however this is not possible
with the original version because they don't have the write permission to do it
on system wide installed software. (soft are installed on a read only volume on
the cluster).

So in order to give the users flexibility to run inparanoid and easily tweak
the parameters we patched the inparanoid.pl code source. 

Please find enclosed the modified inparanoid.pl script and the corresponding
diff versus the original code. 

We would like to submit you the patches for review.
feel free to discard it, use it, modify or whatever.

Please let us know your feedback on these modifications.

        best regards

        Eric & Manu 

-------------- next part --------------
--- inparanoid.pl.orig	2014-05-27 16:34:30.993145560 +0200
+++ inparanoid.pl	2014-05-27 16:34:11.005384811 +0200
@@ -16,9 +16,8 @@
 # NOTE: This script requires blastall (NCBI BLAST) version 2.2.16 or higher, that supports 
 # compositional score matrix adjustment (-C2 flag).
-my $usage =" Usage: inparanoid.pl <FASTAFILE with sequences of species A> <FASTAFILE with sequences of species B> [FASTAFILE with sequences of species C]
+#use strict;
+use Getopt::Long qw/:config no_ignore_case/;
 # The program calculates orthologs between 2 datasets of proteins 
@@ -37,70 +36,172 @@
 # default datasize limit: 'limit datasize 500000 kb'
-# Set following variables:                                                    #
+# Set following variables for default behaviour:                              #
 # What do you want the program to do?                                         #
-$run_blast = 1;  # Set to 1 if you don't have the 4 BLAST output files        #
+my $run_blast = 1;  # Set to 1 if you don't have the 4 BLAST output files        #
                  # Requires 'blastall', 'formatdb' (NCBI BLAST2)              #
                  # and parser 'blast_parser.pl'                               #
-$blast_two_passes = 1;  # Set to 1 to run 2-pass strategy                     #
+my $blast_two_passes = 1;  # Set to 1 to run 2-pass strategy                     #
                  # (strongly recommended, but slower)                         #
-$run_inparanoid = 1;
-$use_bootstrap = 1;# Use bootstrapping to estimate the confidence of orthologs#
+my $run_inparanoid = 1;
+my $use_bootstrap = 1;# Use bootstrapping to estimate the confidence of orthologs#
                    # Needs additional programs 'seqstat.jar' and 'blast2faa.pl'
-$use_outgroup = 0; # Use proteins from the third genome as an outgroup        #
+my $use_outgroup = 0; # Use proteins from the third genome as an outgroup        #
                    # Reject best-best hit if outgroup sequence is MORE        #
                    # similar to one of the sequences                          #
                    # (by more than $outgroup_cutoff bits)                     #
 # Define location of files and programs:
 #$blastall = "blastall -VT"; #Remove -VT for blast version 2.2.12 or earlier
-$blastall = "blastall";  #Add -aN to use N processors
-$formatdb = "formatdb"; 
-$seqstat = "seqstat.jar";
-$blastParser = "blast_parser.pl";
+my $blastall = "blastall";  #Add -aN to use N processors
+my $formatdb = "formatdb"; 
+my $seqstat = "./seqstat.jar";
+my $blastParser = "./blast_parser.pl";
+my $h_matrix = { 'BLOSUM62' => 1,
+		 'BLOSUM45' => 1,
+		 'BLOSUM80' => 1,
+		 'PAM70'    => 1,
+		 'PAM30'    => 1
-$matrix = "BLOSUM62"; # Reasonable default for comparison of eukaryotes.
+my $matrix = "BLOSUM62"; # Reasonable default for comparison of eukaryotes.
 #$matrix = "BLOSUM45"; #(for prokaryotes),
 #$matrix = "BLOSUM80"; #(orthologs within metazoa),
 #$matrix = "PAM70";
 #$matrix = "PAM30";
 # Output options:                                                              #
-$output = 1;      # table_stats-format output                                  #
-$table = 1;       # Print tab-delimited table of orthologs to file "table.txt" #
+my $output = 1;      # table_stats-format output                                  #
+my $table = 1;       # Print tab-delimited table of orthologs to file "table.txt" #
                   # Each orthologous group with all inparalogs is on one line  #
-$mysql_table = 1; # Print out sql tables for the web server                    #
+my $mysql_table = 1; # Print out sql tables for the web server                    #
                   # Each inparalog is on separate line                         #
-$html = 1;        # HTML-format output                                         #
+my $html = 1;        # HTML-format output                                         #
 # Algorithm parameters:                                                        
 # Default values should work without problems.
 # MAKE SURE, however, that the score cutoff here matches what you used for BLAST!
-$score_cutoff = 40;    # In bits. Any match below this is ignored             #
-$outgroup_cutoff = 50; # In bits. Outgroup sequence hit must be this many bits#
+my $score_cutoff = 40;    # In bits. Any match below this is ignored             #
+my $outgroup_cutoff = 50; # In bits. Outgroup sequence hit must be this many bits#
                        # stronger to reject best-best hit between A and B     #
-$conf_cutoff = 0.05;   # Include in-paralogs with this confidence or better   #
-$group_overlap_cutoff = 0.5; # Merge groups if ortholog in one group has more #
+my $conf_cutoff = 0.05;   # Include in-paralogs with this confidence or better   #
+my $group_overlap_cutoff = 0.5; # Merge groups if ortholog in one group has more #
                              # than this confidence in other group            #
-$grey_zone = 0;  # This many bits signifies the difference between 2 scores   #
-$show_times = 0; # Show times spent for execution of each part of the program #
+my $grey_zone = 0;  # This many bits signifies the difference between 2 scores   #
+my $show_times = 0; # Show times spent for execution of each part of the program #
                  # (This does not work properly)                              #
-$debug = 0;      # Print debugging messages or not. Levels 0,1,2 and 4 exist  #
+my $debug = 0;      # Print debugging messages or not. Levels 0,1,2 and 4 exist  #
 my $seq_overlap_cutoff = 0.5; 		# Match area should cover at least this much of longer sequence. Match area is defined as area from start of
 					# first segment to end of last segment, i.e segments 1-10 and 90-100 gives a match length of 100.
 my $segment_coverage_cutoff = 0.25; 	# Actually matching segments must cover this much of longer sequence. 
 					# For example, segments 1-10 and 90-100 gives a total length of 20.
+my $help = 0;
 # No changes should be required below this line                               #
-$ENV{CLASSPATH} = "./$seqstat" if ($use_bootstrap);
+sub usage() {
+    my $usage =" Usage: inparanoid.pl <options> <FASTAFILE with sequences of species A> <FASTAFILE with sequences of species B> [FASTAFILE with sequences of species C]\n\n";
+    print $usage;
+    print <<EOF
+        # OPTIONS
+	--[no]run_blast                    Set to 1 if you don't have the 4 BLAST output files [set by default]
+                                           Requires 'blastall', 'formatdb' (NCBI BLAST2) and parser
+                                           'blast_parser.pl'
+        --[no]blast_two_passes             Set to 1 to run 2-pass strategy [set by default]
+                                           (strongly recommended, but slower)
+        --[no]run_inparanoid               [set by default]
+        --[no]use_bootstrap                Use bootstrapping to estimate the confidence of orthologs [set by default 1]
+                                           Needs additional programs 'seqstat.jar' and 'blast2faa.pl'
+        --[no]use_outgroup                 Use proteins from the third genome as an outgroup [no set by default]
+                                           Reject best-best hit if outgroup sequence is MORE similar to one of
+                                           the sequences (by more than outgroup_cutoff bits)
+        --matrix <value>                   Supported : BLOSUM62,BLOSUM45,BLOSUM80,PAM70,PAM30 [default BLOSUM62]
+                                           BLOSUM62 Reasonable default for comparison of eukaryotes.
+                                           BLOSUM45 (for prokaryotes),
+                                           BLOSUM80 (orthologs within metazoa),
+         # Output options:
+         --[no]output                      Table_stats-format output [set by default]
+         --[no]table                       Print tab-delimited table of orthologs to file "table.txt" [set by default]
+                                           Each orthologous group with all inparalogs is on one line
+         --[no]mysql_table                 Print out sql tables for the web server [set by default]
+                                           Each inparalog is on separate line
+         --[no]html                        HTML-format output [set by default]
+         # Algorithm parameters:                                                        
+         # Default values should work without problems.
+         # MAKE SURE, however, that the score cutoff here matches what you used for BLAST!
+         --score_cutoff <value>            In bits. Any match below this is ignored [default 40]
+         --outgroup_cutoff <value>         In bits. Outgroup sequence hit must be this many bits [default 50]
+                                           Stronger to reject best-best hit between A and B
+         --conf_cutoff <value>             Include in-paralogs with this confidence or better [default 0.05]
+         --group_overlap_cutoff <value>    Merge groups if ortholog in one group has more [default 0.5]
+                                           than this confidence in other group
+         --grey_zone <value>               This many bits signifies the difference between 2 scores [default 0]
+         --[no]show_times                  Show times spent for execution of each part of the program [default 0]
+                                           (This does not work properly)
+         --debug                           Print debugging messages or not. Levels 0,1,2 and 4 exist [default 0]
+         --seq_overlap_cutof<value>        Match area should cover at least this much of longer sequence. [default 0.5]
+                                           Match area is defined as area from start of first segment to end of
+                                           last segment, i.e segments 1-10 and 90-100 gives a match length of 100.
+         --segment_coverage_cutoff <value> Actually matching segments must cover this much of longer sequence. [default 0.25]
+			                   For example, segments 1-10 and 90-100 gives a total length of 20.
+	   'run_blast!'             => \$run_blast,
+	   'blast_two_passes!'      => \$blast_two_passes,
+	   'use_bootstrap!'         => \$use_bootstrap,
+	   'run_inparanoid!'        => \$run_inparanoid,
+	   'use_outgroup!'          => \$use_outgroup,
+	   'matrix=s'               => \$matrix,
+	   'output!'                => \$output,
+	   'table!'                 => \$table,
+	   'mysql_table!'           => \$mysql_table,
+	   'html!'                  => \$html,
+	   'score_cutoff=i'         => \$score_cutoff,
+	   'outgroup_cutoff=i'      => \$outgroup_cutoff,
+	   'conf_cutoff=f'          => \$conf_cutoff,
+	   'group_overlap_cutoff=f' => \$group_overlap_cutoff,
+	   'grey_zone=i'            => \$grey_zone,
+	   'show_times!'            => \$show_times,
+	   'debug=i'                => \$debug,
+	   'h|help'                 => \$help,
+       )){
+    die "Problem(s) parsing options\n";
+if ( $help ) { 
+  &usage; 
+  exit 0; 
+if($matrix and ! exists($h_matrix->{$matrix})){
+    die "unsupported matrix $matrix\n";
+$ENV{CLASSPATH} = "$seqstat" if ($use_bootstrap);
 if (!@ARGV){
-    print STDERR $usage;
+    &usage;
     exit 1;
@@ -170,8 +271,7 @@
 # Assign ID numbers for species A
-open A, "$fasta_seq_fileA" or die "File A with sequences in FASTA format is missing
-Usage $0 <FASTAFILE with sequences of species A> <FASTAFILE with sequences of species B> <FASTAFILE with sequences of species C>\n";
+open A, "$fasta_seq_fileA" or &usage && die "\nERROR: File A with sequences in FASTA format is missing\n"; 
 $id = 0;
 while (<A>){
@@ -197,8 +297,7 @@
 # Assign ID numbers for species B
-    open B, "$fasta_seq_fileB" or die "File B with sequences in FASTA format is missing
-Usage $0 <FASTAFILE with sequences of species A> <FASTAFILE with sequences of species B> <FASTAFILE with sequences of species C>\n";
+    open B, "$fasta_seq_fileB" or &usage && die "\nERROR: File B with sequences in FASTA format is missing\n"; 
     $id = 0;
     while (<B>){
@@ -1619,7 +1718,7 @@
     system "$formatdb -i $db_file";
     # Use soft masking in 1-pass mode for simplicity.
-    system "$blastall -F\"m S\" -i $query_file -z 5000000 -d $db_file -p blastp -M $matrix -m7 | ./$blastParser 0 -a > $seq_id2.faa";
+    system "$blastall -F\"m S\" -i $query_file -z 5000000 -d $db_file -p blastp -M $matrix -m7 | $blastParser 0 -a > $seq_id2.faa";
     # Note: Changed score cutoff 50 to 0 for blast2faa.pl (060402).
     # Reason: after a cluster merger a score can be less than the cutoff (50) 
@@ -1698,7 +1797,7 @@
   # $Fld [4] is output name
   # Use soft masking (low complexity masking by SEG in search phase, not in alignment phase). 
-  system ("$blastall -F\"m S\" -i $Fld[0] -d $Fld[1] -p blastp -v $Fld[3] -b $Fld[3] -M $matrix -z 5000000 -m7 | ./$blastParser $score_cutoff > $Fld[4]");
+  system ("$blastall -F\"m S\" -i $Fld[0] -d $Fld[1] -p blastp -v $Fld[3] -b $Fld[3] -M $matrix -z 5000000 -m7 | $blastParser $score_cutoff > $Fld[4]");
 sub do_blast_2pass {
@@ -1761,7 +1860,7 @@
 	# making a second pass necessary.
 	print STDERR "\nStarting first BLAST pass for $Fld[0] - $Fld[1] on ";
-	open FHR, "$blastall -C3 -F\"m S\" -i $Fld[0] -d $Fld[1] -p blastp -v $Fld[3] -b $Fld[3] -M $matrix -z 5000000 -m7 | ./$blastParser $score_cutoff|";
+	open FHR, "$blastall -C3 -F\"m S\" -i $Fld[0] -d $Fld[1] -p blastp -v $Fld[3] -b $Fld[3] -M $matrix -z 5000000 -m7 | $blastParser $score_cutoff|";
 	%theHits = ();
 	while (<FHR>) {
@@ -1803,7 +1902,7 @@
 		# Run Blast and add to output
 		system ("$formatdb -i $tmpd");
-		system ("$blastall -C0 -FF -i $tmpi -d $tmpd -p blastp -v $Fld[3] -b $Fld[3] -M $matrix -z 5000000 -m7 | ./$blastParser $score_cutoff >> $Fld[4]");
+		system ("$blastall -C0 -FF -i $tmpi -d $tmpd -p blastp -v $Fld[3] -b $Fld[3] -M $matrix -z 5000000 -m7 | $blastParser $score_cutoff >> $Fld[4]");
 	unlink "$tmpi", "$tmpd", "formatdb.log", "$tmpd.phr", "$tmpd.pin", "$tmpd.psq";
-------------- next part --------------
#! /usr/bin/perl
# InParanoid version 4.1
# Copyright (C) Erik Sonnhammer, Kristoffer Forslund, Isabella Pekkari, 
# Ann-Charlotte Berglund, Maido Remm, 2007
# This program is provided under the terms of a personal license to the recipient and may only 
# be used for the recipient's own research at an academic insititution.
# Distribution of the results of this program must be discussed with the authors.
# For using this program in a company or for commercial purposes, a commercial license is required. 
# Contact Erik.Sonnhammer at sbc.su.se in both cases
# Make sure that Perl XML libraries are installed!
# NOTE: This script requires blastall (NCBI BLAST) version 2.2.16 or higher, that supports 
# compositional score matrix adjustment (-C2 flag).

#use strict;
use Getopt::Long qw/:config no_ignore_case/;

# The program calculates orthologs between 2 datasets of proteins 
# called A and B. Both datasets should be in multi-fasta file
# - Additionally, it tries to assign paralogous sequences (in-paralogs) to each 
#   thus forming paralogous clusters. 
# - Confidence of in-paralogs is calculated in relative scale between 0-100%.
#   This confidence value is dependent on how far is given sequence from the
#   seed ortholog of given group
# - Confidence of groups can be calculated with bootstrapping. This is related 
#   to score difference between best hit and second best hit.
# - Optionally it can use a species C as outgroup.

# You may need to run the following command manually to increase your 
# default datasize limit: 'limit datasize 500000 kb'

# Set following variables for default behaviour:                              #

# What do you want the program to do?                                         #
my $run_blast = 1;  # Set to 1 if you don't have the 4 BLAST output files        #
                 # Requires 'blastall', 'formatdb' (NCBI BLAST2)              #
                 # and parser 'blast_parser.pl'                               #
my $blast_two_passes = 1;  # Set to 1 to run 2-pass strategy                     #
                 # (strongly recommended, but slower)                         #
my $run_inparanoid = 1;
my $use_bootstrap = 1;# Use bootstrapping to estimate the confidence of orthologs#
                   # Needs additional programs 'seqstat.jar' and 'blast2faa.pl'
my $use_outgroup = 0; # Use proteins from the third genome as an outgroup        #
                   # Reject best-best hit if outgroup sequence is MORE        #
                   # similar to one of the sequences                          #
                   # (by more than $outgroup_cutoff bits)                     #

# Define location of files and programs:
#$blastall = "blastall -VT"; #Remove -VT for blast version 2.2.12 or earlier
my $blastall = "blastall";  #Add -aN to use N processors
my $formatdb = "formatdb"; 
my $seqstat = "./seqstat.jar";
my $blastParser = "./blast_parser.pl";

my $h_matrix = { 'BLOSUM62' => 1,
		 'BLOSUM45' => 1,
		 'BLOSUM80' => 1,
		 'PAM70'    => 1,
		 'PAM30'    => 1

my $matrix = "BLOSUM62"; # Reasonable default for comparison of eukaryotes.
#$matrix = "BLOSUM45"; #(for prokaryotes),
#$matrix = "BLOSUM80"; #(orthologs within metazoa),
#$matrix = "PAM70";
#$matrix = "PAM30";

# Output options:                                                              #
my $output = 1;      # table_stats-format output                                  #
my $table = 1;       # Print tab-delimited table of orthologs to file "table.txt" #
                  # Each orthologous group with all inparalogs is on one line  #
my $mysql_table = 1; # Print out sql tables for the web server                    #
                  # Each inparalog is on separate line                         #
my $html = 1;        # HTML-format output                                         #

# Algorithm parameters:                                                        
# Default values should work without problems.
# MAKE SURE, however, that the score cutoff here matches what you used for BLAST!
my $score_cutoff = 40;    # In bits. Any match below this is ignored             #
my $outgroup_cutoff = 50; # In bits. Outgroup sequence hit must be this many bits#
                       # stronger to reject best-best hit between A and B     #
my $conf_cutoff = 0.05;   # Include in-paralogs with this confidence or better   #
my $group_overlap_cutoff = 0.5; # Merge groups if ortholog in one group has more #
                             # than this confidence in other group            #
my $grey_zone = 0;  # This many bits signifies the difference between 2 scores   #
my $show_times = 0; # Show times spent for execution of each part of the program #
                 # (This does not work properly)                              #
my $debug = 0;      # Print debugging messages or not. Levels 0,1,2 and 4 exist  #

my $seq_overlap_cutoff = 0.5; 		# Match area should cover at least this much of longer sequence. Match area is defined as area from start of
					# first segment to end of last segment, i.e segments 1-10 and 90-100 gives a match length of 100.
my $segment_coverage_cutoff = 0.25; 	# Actually matching segments must cover this much of longer sequence. 
					# For example, segments 1-10 and 90-100 gives a total length of 20.

my $help = 0;
# No changes should be required below this line                               #

sub usage() {
    my $usage =" Usage: inparanoid.pl <options> <FASTAFILE with sequences of species A> <FASTAFILE with sequences of species B> [FASTAFILE with sequences of species C]\n\n";
    print $usage;

    print <<EOF

        # OPTIONS
	--[no]run_blast                    Set to 1 if you don't have the 4 BLAST output files [set by default]
                                           Requires 'blastall', 'formatdb' (NCBI BLAST2) and parser

        --[no]blast_two_passes             Set to 1 to run 2-pass strategy [set by default]
                                           (strongly recommended, but slower)

        --[no]run_inparanoid               [set by default]

        --[no]use_bootstrap                Use bootstrapping to estimate the confidence of orthologs [set by default 1]
                                           Needs additional programs 'seqstat.jar' and 'blast2faa.pl'

        --[no]use_outgroup                 Use proteins from the third genome as an outgroup [no set by default]
                                           Reject best-best hit if outgroup sequence is MORE similar to one of
                                           the sequences (by more than outgroup_cutoff bits)

        --matrix <value>                   Supported : BLOSUM62,BLOSUM45,BLOSUM80,PAM70,PAM30 [default BLOSUM62]
                                           BLOSUM62 Reasonable default for comparison of eukaryotes.
                                           BLOSUM45 (for prokaryotes),
                                           BLOSUM80 (orthologs within metazoa),

         # Output options:
         --[no]output                      Table_stats-format output [set by default]
         --[no]table                       Print tab-delimited table of orthologs to file "table.txt" [set by default]
                                           Each orthologous group with all inparalogs is on one line
         --[no]mysql_table                 Print out sql tables for the web server [set by default]
                                           Each inparalog is on separate line
         --[no]html                        HTML-format output [set by default]

         # Algorithm parameters:                                                        
         # Default values should work without problems.
         # MAKE SURE, however, that the score cutoff here matches what you used for BLAST!

         --score_cutoff <value>            In bits. Any match below this is ignored [default 40]
         --outgroup_cutoff <value>         In bits. Outgroup sequence hit must be this many bits [default 50]
                                           Stronger to reject best-best hit between A and B
         --conf_cutoff <value>             Include in-paralogs with this confidence or better [default 0.05]
         --group_overlap_cutoff <value>    Merge groups if ortholog in one group has more [default 0.5]
                                           than this confidence in other group
         --grey_zone <value>               This many bits signifies the difference between 2 scores [default 0]
         --[no]show_times                  Show times spent for execution of each part of the program [default 0]
                                           (This does not work properly)
         --debug                           Print debugging messages or not. Levels 0,1,2 and 4 exist [default 0]

         --seq_overlap_cutof<value>        Match area should cover at least this much of longer sequence. [default 0.5]
                                           Match area is defined as area from start of first segment to end of
                                           last segment, i.e segments 1-10 and 90-100 gives a match length of 100.
         --segment_coverage_cutoff <value> Actually matching segments must cover this much of longer sequence. [default 0.25]
			                   For example, segments 1-10 and 90-100 gives a total length of 20.


	   'run_blast!'             => \$run_blast,
	   'blast_two_passes!'      => \$blast_two_passes,
	   'use_bootstrap!'         => \$use_bootstrap,
	   'run_inparanoid!'        => \$run_inparanoid,
	   'use_outgroup!'          => \$use_outgroup,
	   'matrix=s'               => \$matrix,
	   'output!'                => \$output,
	   'table!'                 => \$table,
	   'mysql_table!'           => \$mysql_table,
	   'html!'                  => \$html,
	   'score_cutoff=i'         => \$score_cutoff,
	   'outgroup_cutoff=i'      => \$outgroup_cutoff,
	   'conf_cutoff=f'          => \$conf_cutoff,
	   'group_overlap_cutoff=f' => \$group_overlap_cutoff,
	   'grey_zone=i'            => \$grey_zone,
	   'show_times!'            => \$show_times,
	   'debug=i'                => \$debug,
	   'h|help'                 => \$help,
    die "Problem(s) parsing options\n";

if ( $help ) { 
  exit 0; 

if($matrix and ! exists($h_matrix->{$matrix})){
    die "unsupported matrix $matrix\n";

$ENV{CLASSPATH} = "$seqstat" if ($use_bootstrap);

if (!@ARGV){
    exit 1;

if ((@ARGV < 2) and ($run_inparanoid)){
    print STDERR "\n When \$run_inparanoid=1, at least two distinct FASTA files have to be specified.\n";

    print STDERR $usage;
    exit 1;

if ((!$run_blast) and (!$run_inparanoid)){
    print STDERR "run_blast or run_inparanoid has to be set!\n";
    exit 1;

# Input files:                                                            
$fasta_seq_fileA = "$ARGV[0]";                                            
$fasta_seq_fileB = "$ARGV[1]";                                            
$fasta_seq_fileC = "$ARGV[2]" if ($use_outgroup); # This is outgroup file  

my $blast_outputAB = $fasta_seq_fileA . "-" . $fasta_seq_fileB;
my $blast_outputBA = $fasta_seq_fileB . "-" . $fasta_seq_fileA;
my $blast_outputAA = $fasta_seq_fileA . "-" . $fasta_seq_fileA;
my $blast_outputBB = $fasta_seq_fileB . "-" . $fasta_seq_fileB;

if ($use_outgroup){
    $blast_outputAC = $fasta_seq_fileA . "-" . $fasta_seq_fileC;
    $blast_outputBC = $fasta_seq_fileB . "-" . $fasta_seq_fileC;
my %idA;        # Name -> ID combinations for species 1
my %idB;        # Name -> ID combinations for species 2
my @nameA;      # ID -> Name combinations for species 1
my @nameB;      # ID -> Name combinations for species 2
my @nameC;
my %scoreAB;    # Hashes with pairwise BLAST scores (in bits)
my %scoreBA;
my %scoreAA;
my %scoreBB;
my @hitnAB;     # 1-D arrays that keep the number of pairwise hits
my @hitnBA;
my @hitnAA;
my @hitnBB;
my @hitAB;      # 2-D arrays that keep the actual matching IDs 
my @hitBA;
my @hitAA;
my @hitBB;
my @besthitAB;  # IDs of best hits in other species (may contain more than one ID)
my @besthitBA;  # IDs of best hits in other species (may contain more than one ID)
my @bestscoreAB; # best match A -> B 
my @bestscoreBA; # best match B -> A 
my @ortoA;      # IDs of ortholog candidates from species A 
my @ortoB;      # IDs of ortholog candidates from species B
my @ortoS;      # Scores between ortoA and ortoB pairs
my @paralogsA;  # List of paralog IDs in given cluster
my @paralogsB;  # List of paralog IDs in given cluster
my @confPA;     # Confidence values for A paralogs
my @confPB;     # Confidence values for B paralogs
my @confA;      # Confidence values for orthologous groups
my @confB;      # Confidence values for orthologous groups 
my $prev_time = 0;

$outputfile = "Output." . $ARGV[0] . "-" . $ARGV[1];
if ($output){
    open OUTPUT, ">$outputfile" or warn "Could not write to OUTPUT file $filename\n";

# Assign ID numbers for species A
open A, "$fasta_seq_fileA" or &usage && die "\nERROR: File A with sequences in FASTA format is missing\n"; 
$id = 0;
while (<A>){
	@tmp = split(/\s+/);
	#$name = substr($tmp[0],0,25);
	$name = $tmp[0];
	$idA{$name} = int($id);
	$nameA[$id] = $name;
close A;
$A = $id;
print "$A sequences in file $fasta_seq_fileA\n";

if ($output){
    print OUTPUT "$A sequences in file $fasta_seq_fileA\n";

if (@ARGV >= 2) {
# Assign ID numbers for species B
    open B, "$fasta_seq_fileB" or &usage && die "\nERROR: File B with sequences in FASTA format is missing\n"; 
    $id = 0;
    while (<B>){
	    @tmp = split(/\s+/);
	    #$name = substr($tmp[0],0,25);
	    $name = $tmp[0];
	    $idB{$name} = int($id);
	    $nameB[$id] = $name;
    $B = $id;
    print "$B sequences in file $fasta_seq_fileB\n";
    close B;

    if ($output){
	print OUTPUT "$B sequences in file $fasta_seq_fileB\n";
# Assign ID numbers for species C (outgroup)
if ($use_outgroup){
    open C, "$fasta_seq_fileC" or die "File C with sequences in FASTA format is missing
   Usage $0 <FASTAFILE with sequences of species A> <FASTAFILE with sequences of species B> <FASTAFILE with sequences of species C>\n";
    $id = 0;
    while (<C>){
	    @tmp = split(/\s+/);
	    #$name = substr($tmp[0],0,25);
	    $name = $tmp[0];
	    $idC{$name} = int($id);
	    $nameC[$id] = $name;
    $C = $id;
    print "$C sequences in file $fasta_seq_fileC\n";
    close C;
    if ($output){
	print OUTPUT "$C sequences in file $fasta_seq_fileC\n";
if ($show_times){
    ($user_time,,,) = times;
    printf ("Indexing sequences took %.2f seconds\n", ($user_time - $prev_time));
    $prev_time = $user_time;

# Run BLAST if not done already
if ($run_blast){
    print "Trying to run BLAST now - this may take several hours ... or days in worst case!\n";
    print STDERR "Formatting BLAST databases\n";
    system ("$formatdb -i $fasta_seq_fileA");
    system ("$formatdb -i $fasta_seq_fileB") if (@ARGV >= 2);
    system ("$formatdb -i $fasta_seq_fileC") if ($use_outgroup);   
    print STDERR "Done formatting\nStarting BLAST searches...\n";

# Run blast only if the files do not already exist is not default. 
# NOTE: you should have done this beforehand, because you probably
# want two-pass blasting anyway which is not implemented here
# this is also not adapted to use specific compositional adjustment settings
# and might not use the proper blast parser...

    do_blast ($fasta_seq_fileA, $fasta_seq_fileA, $A, $A, $blast_outputAA);

    if (@ARGV >= 2) {
      do_blast ($fasta_seq_fileA, $fasta_seq_fileB, $B, $B, $blast_outputAB);
      do_blast ($fasta_seq_fileB, $fasta_seq_fileA, $A, $A, $blast_outputBA);
      do_blast ($fasta_seq_fileB, $fasta_seq_fileB, $B, $B, $blast_outputBB);

    if ($use_outgroup){

	do_blast ($fasta_seq_fileA, $fasta_seq_fileC, $A, $C, $blast_outputAC);
	do_blast ($fasta_seq_fileB, $fasta_seq_fileC, $B, $C, $blast_outputBC);

    if ($show_times){
	($user_time,,,) = times;
	printf ("BLAST searches took %.2f seconds\n", ($user_time - $prev_time));
	$prev_time = $user_time;
    print STDERR "Done BLAST searches. ";

} else {
	print STDERR "Skipping blast! \n";

if ($run_inparanoid){
    print STDERR "Starting ortholog detection...\n";   
# Read in best hits from blast output file AB
    $count = 0;
    open AB, "$blast_outputAB" or die "Blast output file A->B is missing\n";
    $old_idQ = 0;
    while (<AB>){
	@Fld = split(/\s+/);    # Get query, match and score

	if( scalar @Fld < 9 ){
		print STDERR "AB ok\n";

	$q = $Fld[0];
	$m = $Fld[1];
	$idQ = $idA{$q}; # ID of query sequence
	$idM = $idB{$m}; # ID of match sequence
	$score = $Fld[2];

	next if (!overlap_test(@Fld));

	# Score must be equal to or above cut-off
	next if ($score < $score_cutoff);

	if(!$count || $q ne $oldq){
	    print "Match $m, score $score, ID for $q is missing\n" if ($debug == 2 and !(exists($idA{$q})));
	    $hitnAB[$idA{$oldq}] = $hit if($count); # Record number of hits for previous query
	    $hit = 0;
	    $oldq = $q;
	$hitAB[$idQ][$hit] = int($idM);
#	printf ("hitAB[%d][%d] = %d\n",$idQ,$hit,$idM);
	$scoreAB{"$idQ:$idM"} = $score;
	$scoreBA{"$idM:$idQ"} = $score_cutoff; # Initialize mutual hit score - sometimes this is below score_cutoff
	$old_idQ = $idQ;
#    }
    $hitnAB[$idQ] = $hit; # For the last query
#printf ("hitnAB[1] = %d\n",$hitnAB[1]); 
#printf ("hitnAB[%d] = %d\n",$idQ,$hit); 
    close AB;
    if ($output){
	print OUTPUT "$count sequences $fasta_seq_fileA have homologs in dataset $fasta_seq_fileB\n";
# Read in best hits from blast output file BA
    $count = 0;
    open BA, "$blast_outputBA" or die "Blast output file B->A is missing\n";
    $old_idQ = 0;
    while (<BA>){
	@Fld = split(/\s+/);    # Get query, match and score

	if( scalar @Fld < 9 ){
		print STDERR "BA ok\n";

	$q = $Fld[0];
	$m = $Fld[1];
	$idQ = $idB{$q};
	$idM = $idA{$m};	 
	$score = $Fld[2];
	next if (!overlap_test(@Fld));
	next if ($score < $score_cutoff);
	if(!$count || $q ne $oldq){
	    print "ID for $q is missing\n" if ($debug == 2 and (!exists($idB{$q})));
	    $hitnBA[$idB{$oldq}] = $hit if($count); # Record number of hits for previous query
	    $hit = 0;
	    $oldq = $q;
	$hitBA[$idQ][$hit] = int($idM);
#	printf ("hitBA[%d][%d] = %d\n",$idQ,$hit,$idM);
	$scoreBA{"$idQ:$idM"} = $score;   
	$scoreAB{"$idM:$idQ"} = $score_cutoff if ($scoreAB{"$idM:$idQ"} < $score_cutoff); # Initialize missing scores
	$old_idQ = $idQ;
#    }
    $hitnBA[$idQ] = $hit; # For the last query
#printf ("hitnBA[%d] = %d\n",$idQ,$hit); 
    close BA;
    if ($output){
	print OUTPUT "$count sequences $fasta_seq_fileB have homologs in dataset $fasta_seq_fileA\n";
##################### Equalize AB scores and BA scores ##########################

###################################################################################################################################### Modification by Isabella 1

	# I removed the time consuming all vs all search and equalize scores for all pairs where there was a hit

    	foreach my $key (keys %scoreAB) {

		my ($a, $b) = split(':', $key);
		my $key2 = $b . ':' . $a;

		# If debugg mod is 5 and the scores A-B and B-A are unequal
	   	 # the names of the two sequences and their scores are printed
	    	if ($scoreAB{$key} != $scoreBA{$key2}){
			printf ("%-20s\t%-20s\t%d\t%d\n",$nameA[$a], $nameB[$b], $scoreAB{$key}, $scoreBA{$key2}) if ($debug == 5);

		# Set score AB and score BA to the mean of scores AB and BA.
	  	# The final score is saved as an integer so .5 needs to be added to avoid rounding errors
	    	$scoreAB{$key} = $scoreBA{$key2} = int(($scoreAB{$key} + $scoreBA{$key2})/2.0 +.5);

    # For all ids for sequences from organism A	
    #for $a(1..$A){
	#For all ids for sequences from organism B
	#for $b(1..$B){

	    # No need to equalize score if there was no match between sequence with id $a from species A
	    # and sequence with id $b from species B
	 #   next if (!$scoreAB{"$a:$b"});

	    # If debugg mod is 5 and the scores A-B and B-A are unequal
	    # the names of the two sequences and their scores are printed
	  #  if ($scoreAB{"$a:$b"} != $scoreBA{"$b:$a"}){
	#	printf ("%-20s\t%-20s\t%d\t%d\n",$nameA[$a], $nameB[$b], $scoreAB{"$a:$b"}, $scoreBA{"$b:$a"}) if ($debug == 5);
	 #   }

	    # Set score AB and score BA to the mean of scores AB and BA.
	    # The final score is saved as an integer so .5 needs to be added to avoid rounding errors
	 #   $scoreAB{"$a:$b"} = $scoreBA{"$b:$a"} = int(($scoreAB{"$a:$b"} + $scoreBA{"$b:$a"})/2.0 +.5);

#	printf ("scoreAB{%d: %d} = %d\n",	$a, $b, $scoreAB{"$a:$b"});
#	printf ("scoreBA{%d: %d} = %d\n",	$b, $a, $scoreBA{"$a:$b"});
#    }

####################################################################################################################################### End modification by Isabella 1

##################### Re-sort hits, besthits and bestscore #######################
    for $idA(1..$A){
#    print "Loop index = $idA\n";
#    printf ("hitnAB[%d] = %d\n",$idA, $hitnAB[$idA]);
	next if (!($hitnAB[$idA]));
	for $hit (1..($hitnAB[$idA]-1)){ # Sort hits by score
	    while($scoreAB{"$idA:$hitAB[$idA][$hit]"} < $scoreAB{"$idA:$hitAB[$idA][$hit+1]"}){ 
		$tmp = $hitAB[$idA][$hit];
		$hitAB[$idA][$hit] = $hitAB[$idA][$hit+1];
		$hitAB[$idA][$hit+1] = $tmp;
		--$hit if ($hit > 1);      
	$bestscore = $bestscoreAB[$idA] = $scoreAB{"$idA:$hitAB[$idA][1]"};
	$besthitAB[$idA] = $hitAB[$idA][1];   
	for $hit (2..$hitnAB[$idA]){
	    if ($bestscore - $scoreAB{"$idA:$hitAB[$idA][$hit]"} <= $grey_zone){
		$besthitAB[$idA] .= " $hitAB[$idA][$hit]";
	    else {
	undef $is_besthitAB[$idA]; # Create index that we can check later
	grep (vec($is_besthitAB[$idA],$_,1) = 1, split(/ /,$besthitAB[$idA]));
#    printf ("besthitAB[%d] = hitAB[%d][%d] = %d\n",$idA,$idA,$hit,$besthitAB[$idA]);
    for $idB(1..$B){
#    print "Loop index = $idB\n";
	next if (!($hitnBA[$idB]));
	for $hit (1..($hitnBA[$idB]-1)){
# Sort hits by score
	    while($scoreBA{"$idB:$hitBA[$idB][$hit]"} < $scoreBA{"$idB:$hitBA[$idB][$hit+1]"}){
		$tmp = $hitBA[$idB][$hit];
		$hitBA[$idB][$hit] = $hitBA[$idB][$hit+1];
		$hitBA[$idB][$hit+1] = $tmp;
		--$hit if ($hit > 1);
	$bestscore = $bestscoreBA[$idB] = $scoreBA{"$idB:$hitBA[$idB][1]"};
	$besthitBA[$idB] = $hitBA[$idB][1];
	for $hit (2..$hitnBA[$idB]){
	    if ($bestscore - $scoreBA{"$idB:$hitBA[$idB][$hit]"} <= $grey_zone){
		$besthitBA[$idB] .= " $hitBA[$idB][$hit]";
	    else {last;}
	undef $is_besthitBA[$idB]; # Create index that we can check later
	grep (vec($is_besthitBA[$idB],$_,1) = 1, split(/ /,$besthitBA[$idB]));
#    printf ("besthitBA[%d] = %d\n",$idA,$besthitAB[$idA]);
    if ($show_times){
	($user_time,,,) = times;
	printf ("Reading and sorting homologs took %.2f seconds\n", ($user_time - $prev_time));
	$prev_time = $user_time;
# Now find orthologs:
    $o = 0;
    for $i(1..$A){   # For each ID in file A
	if (defined $besthitAB[$i]){
	    @besthits = split(/ /,$besthitAB[$i]);
	    for $hit (@besthits){
		if (vec($is_besthitBA[$hit],$i,1)){
		    $ortoA[$o] = $i;
		    $ortoB[$o] = $hit;
		    $ortoS[$o] = $scoreAB{"$i:$hit"}; # Should be equal both ways
#	    --$o if ($ortoS[$o] == $score_cutoff); # Ignore orthologs that are exactly at score_cutoff
		    print "Accept! " if ($debug == 2);
		else {print "        " if ($debug == 2);}
		printf ("%-20s\t%d\t%-20s\t", $nameA[$i], $bestscoreAB[$i], $nameB[$hit]) if ($debug == 2);
		print "$bestscoreBA[$hit]\t$besthitBA[$hit]\n" if ($debug == 2);
    print "$o ortholog candidates detected\n" if ($debug);
# Sort orthologs by ID and then by score:

####################################################################################################### Modification by Isabella 2

    # Removed time consuiming bubble sort. Created an index array and sort that according to id and score.
    # The put all clusters on the right place.

    # Create an array used to store the position each element shall have in the final array
    # The elements are initialized with the position numbers
    my @position_index_array = (1..$o);

    # Sort the position list according to id
    my @id_sorted_position_list = sort { ($ortoA[$a]+$ortoB[$a]) <=> ($ortoA[$b] + $ortoB[$b]) } @position_index_array;

    # Sort the list according to score
    my @score_id_sorted_position_list = sort { $ortoS[$b] <=> $ortoS[$a] } @id_sorted_position_list;

    # Create new arrays for the sorted information
    my @new_ortoA;
    my @new_ortoB;
    my @new_orthoS;

   # Add the information to the new arrays in the orer specifeid by the index array
   for (my $index_in_list = 0; $index_in_list < scalar @score_id_sorted_position_list; $index_in_list++) {

	my $old_index = $score_id_sorted_position_list[$index_in_list];
	$new_ortoA[$index_in_list + 1] = $ortoA[$old_index];
	$new_ortoB[$index_in_list + 1] = $ortoB[$old_index];
	$new_ortoS[$index_in_list + 1] = $ortoS[$old_index];

    @ortoA = @new_ortoA;
    @ortoB = @new_ortoB;
    @ortoS = @new_ortoS;

    # Use bubblesort to sort ortholog pairs by id
#    for $i(1..($o-1)){ 
#	while(($ortoA[$i]+$ortoB[$i]) > ($ortoA[$i+1] + $ortoB[$i+1])){
#	    $tempA =  $ortoA[$i];
#	    $tempB =  $ortoB[$i];
#	    $tempS =  $ortoS[$i];
#	    $ortoA[$i] = $ortoA[$i+1];
#	    $ortoB[$i] = $ortoB[$i+1];
#	    $ortoS[$i] = $ortoS[$i+1];
#	    $ortoA[$i+1] = $tempA;
#	    $ortoB[$i+1] = $tempB;
#	    $ortoS[$i+1] = $tempS;
#	    --$i if ($i > 1);
#	}
#    }
#    # Use bubblesort to sort ortholog pairs by score
#    for $i(1..($o-1)){
#	while($ortoS[$i] < $ortoS[$i+1]){
#	    # Swap places:
#	    $tempA =  $ortoA[$i];
#	    $tempB =  $ortoB[$i];
#	    $tempS =  $ortoS[$i];
#	    $ortoA[$i] = $ortoA[$i+1];
#	    $ortoB[$i] = $ortoB[$i+1];
#	    $ortoS[$i] = $ortoS[$i+1];
#	    $ortoA[$i+1] = $tempA;
#	    $ortoB[$i+1] = $tempB;
#	    $ortoS[$i+1] = $tempS;
#	    --$i if ($i > 1);
#	}
#    }

###################################################################################################### End modification bt Isabella 2

    @all_ortologsA = ();
    @all_ortologsB = ();
    for $i(1..$o){
	push(@all_ortologsA,$ortoA[$i]); # List of all orthologs
    undef $is_ortologA; # Create index that we can check later
    undef $is_ortologB;
    grep (vec($is_ortologA,$_,1) = 1, @all_ortologsA);
    grep (vec($is_ortologB,$_,1) = 1, @all_ortologsB);
    if ($show_times){
	($user_time,,,) = times;
	printf ("Finding and sorting orthologs took %.2f seconds\n", ($user_time - $prev_time));
	$prev_time = $user_time;
# Read in best hits from blast output file AC
    if ($use_outgroup){
	$count = 0;
	open AC, "$blast_outputAC" or die "Blast output file A->C is missing\n";
	while (<AC>){
	    @Fld = split(/\s+/);    # Get query, match and score

            if( scalar @Fld < 9 ){
		   print STDERR "AC ok\n";

	    $q = $Fld[0];
	    $m = $Fld[1];
	    $idQ = $idA{$q};
	    $idM = $idC{$m};
	    $score = $Fld[2];
	    next unless (vec($is_ortologA,$idQ,1));
	    next if (!overlap_test(@Fld));

	    next if ($score < $score_cutoff);

	    next if ($count and ($q eq $oldq));
	    # Only comes here if this is the best hit:
	    $besthitAC[$idQ] = $idM; 
	    $bestscoreAC[$idQ] = $score;
	    $oldq = $q;
	close AC;
# Read in best hits from blast output file BC
	$count = 0;
	open BC, "$blast_outputBC" or die "Blast output file B->C is missing\n";
	while (<BC>){
	    @Fld = split(/\s+/);    # Get query, match and score

            if( scalar @Fld < 9 ){
		   print STDERR "BC ok\n";

	    $q = $Fld[0];
	    $m = $Fld[1];
	    $idQ = $idB{$q};
	    $idM = $idC{$m};
	    $score = $Fld[2];
	    next unless (vec($is_ortologB,$idQ,1));
	    next if (!overlap_test(@Fld));

	    next if ($score < $score_cutoff);

	    next if ($count and ($q eq $oldq));
	    # Only comes here if this is the best hit:
	    $besthitBC[$idQ] = $idM;
	    $bestscoreBC[$idQ] = $score;
	    $oldq = $q;
	close BC;
# Detect rooting problems
	$rejected = 0;
	@del = ();
	$file = "rejected_sequences." . $fasta_seq_fileC;
	open OUTGR, ">$file";
	for $i (1..$o){
	    $diff1 = $diff2 = 0;
	    $idA = $ortoA[$i];
	    $idB = $ortoB[$i];
	    $diff1 = $bestscoreAC[$idA] - $ortoS[$i];
	    $diff2 = $bestscoreBC[$idB] - $ortoS[$i];
	    if ($diff1 > $outgroup_cutoff){
		print OUTGR "Ortholog pair $i ($nameA[$idA]-$nameB[$idB]). 
   $nameA[$idA] from $fasta_seq_fileA is closer to $nameC[$besthitAC[$idA]] than to $nameB[$idB]\n";
		print OUTGR "   $ortoS[$i] < $bestscoreAC[$idA] by $diff1\n";
	    if ($diff2 > $outgroup_cutoff){
		print OUTGR "Ortholog pair $i ($nameA[$idA]-$nameB[$idB]). 
   $nameB[$idB] from $fasta_seq_fileB is closer to $nameC[$besthitBC[$idB]] than to $nameA[$idA]\n";
		print OUTGR "   $ortoS[$i] < $bestscoreBC[$idB] by $diff2\n";
	    if (($diff1 > $outgroup_cutoff) or ($diff2 > $outgroup_cutoff)){
		$del[$i] = 1;
	print "Number of rejected groups: $rejected (outgroup sequence was closer by more than $outgroup_cutoff bits)\n";
	close OUTGR;
    } # End of $use_outgroup
# Read inside scores from AA
    $count = 0;
    $max_hit = 0;
    open AA, "$blast_outputAA" or die "Blast output file A->A is missing\n";
    while (<AA>) {
	chomp;                  # strip newline
	@Fld = split(/\s+/);    # Get query and match names

	if( scalar @Fld < 9 ){
		print STDERR "AA ok\n";

	$q = $Fld[0];
	$m = $Fld[1];
	$score = $Fld[2];
	next unless (vec($is_ortologA,$idA{$q},1));
	next if (!overlap_test(@Fld));

	next if ($score < $score_cutoff);

	if(!$count || $q ne $oldq){ # New query 
	    $max_hit = $hit if ($hit > $max_hit);
	    $hit = 0;
	    $oldq = $q;
	$scoreAA{"$idA{$q}:$idA{$m}"}  = int($score + 0.5);
	$hitAA[$idA{$q}][$hit] = int($idA{$m});
	$hitnAA[$idA{$q}] = $hit;
    close AA;
    if ($output){
	print OUTPUT "$count $fasta_seq_fileA-$fasta_seq_fileA matches\n";
# Read inside scores from BB
    $count = 0;
    open BB, "$blast_outputBB" or die "Blast output file B->B is missing\n";
    while (<BB>) {
	chomp;                  # strip newline
	@Fld = split(/\s+/);    # Get query and match names

	if( scalar @Fld < 9 ){
		print STDERR "BB ok\n";

	$q = $Fld[0];
	$m = $Fld[1];
	$score = $Fld[2];
	next unless (vec($is_ortologB,$idB{$q},1));
	next if (!overlap_test(@Fld));

	next if ($score < $score_cutoff);
	if(!$count || $q ne $oldq){ # New query 
	    $max_hit = $hit if ($hit > $max_hit);
	    $oldq = $q;
	    $hit = 0;
	$scoreBB{"$idB{$q}:$idB{$m}"} = int($score + 0.5);
	$hitBB[$idB{$q}][$hit] = int($idB{$m});
	$hitnBB[$idB{$q}] = $hit;
    close BB;
    if ($output){
	print OUTPUT "$count $fasta_seq_fileB-$fasta_seq_fileB matches\n";
    if ($show_times){
	($user_time,,,) = times;
	printf ("Reading paralogous hits took %.2f seconds\n", ($user_time - $prev_time));
	$prev_time = $user_time;
    print "Maximum number of hits per sequence was $max_hit\n" if ($debug);
# Find paralogs:
    for $i(1..$o){
	$merge[$i] = 0;
	next if($del[$i]); # If outgroup species was closer to one of the seed orthologs
	$idA = $ortoA[$i];
	$idB = $ortoB[$i];
	local @membersA = ();
	local @membersB = ();
	undef $is_paralogA[$i];
	undef $is_paralogB[$i];
	print "$i: Ortholog pair $nameA[$idA] and $nameB[$idB]. $hitnAA[$idA] hits for A and $hitnBB[$idB] hits for B\n"  if ($debug);
	# Check if current ortholog is already clustered:
	for $j(1..($i-1)){
	    # Overlap type 1: Both orthologs already clustered here -> merge  
	    if ((vec($is_paralogA[$j],$idA,1)) and (vec($is_paralogB[$j],$idB,1))){
		$merge[$i] = $j;
		print "Merge CASE 1: group $i ($nameB[$idB]-$nameA[$idA]) and $j ($nameB[$ortoB[$j]]-$nameA[$ortoA[$j]])\n" if ($debug);
	    # Overlap type 2: 2 competing ortholog pairs -> merge
	    elsif (($ortoS[$j] - $ortoS[$i] <= $grey_zone)
		   and (($ortoA[$j] == $ortoA[$i]) or ($ortoB[$j] == $ortoB[$i]))
#       and ($paralogsA[$j])
		   ){ # The last condition is false if the previous cluster has been already deleted
		$merge[$i] = $j;
		print "Merge CASE 2: group $i ($nameA[$ortoA[$i]]-$nameB[$ortoB[$i]]) and $j ($nameA[$ortoA[$j]]-$nameB[$ortoB[$j]])\n" if ($debug);
	    # Overlap type 3: DELETE One of the orthologs belongs to some much stronger cluster -> delete
	    elsif (((vec($is_paralogA[$j],$idA,1)) or (vec($is_paralogB[$j],$idB,1))) and
		   ($ortoS[$j] - $ortoS[$i] > $score_cutoff)){
		print "Delete CASE 3: Cluster $i -> $j, score $ortoS[$i] -> $ortoS[$j], ($nameA[$ortoA[$j]]-$nameB[$ortoB[$j]])\n" if ($debug);
		$merge[$i]= -1; # Means - do not add sequences to this cluster
		$paralogsA[$i] = "";
		$paralogsB[$i] = "";
	    # Overlap type 4: One of the orthologs is close to the center of other cluster
	    elsif (((vec($is_paralogA[$j],$idA,1)) and ($confPA[$idA] > $group_overlap_cutoff)) or
		   ((vec($is_paralogB[$j],$idB,1)) and ($confPB[$idB] > $group_overlap_cutoff))){
		print "Merge CASE 4: Cluster $i -> $j, score $ortoS[$i] -> $ortoS[$j], ($nameA[$ortoA[$j]]-$nameB[$ortoB[$j]])\n" if ($debug);
		$merge[$i] = $j;
	    # Overlap type 5:
	    # All clusters that were overlapping, but not catched by previous "if" statements will be DIVIDED!
	next if ($merge[$i] < 0); # This cluster should be deleted
##### Check for paralogs in A
	$N = $hitnAA[$idA];
	for $j(1..$N){
	    $hitID = $hitAA[$idA][$j]; # hit of idA 
#      print "Working with $nameA[$hitID]\n" if ($debug == 2);
	    # Decide whether this hit is inside the paralog circle:
	    if ( ($idA == $hitID) or ($scoreAA{"$idA:$hitID"} >= $bestscoreAB[$idA]) and 
		($scoreAA{"$idA:$hitID"} >= $bestscoreAB[$hitID])){
		if ($debug == 2){
		    print "   Paralog candidates: ";
		    printf ("%-20s: %-20s", $nameA[$idA], $nameA[$hitID]);
		    print "\t$scoreAA{\"$idA:$hitID\"} : $bestscoreAB[$idA] : $bestscoreAB[$hitID]\n";
		$paralogs = 1;
		if ($scoreAA{"$idA:$idA"} == $ortoS[$i]){
		    if ($scoreAA{"$idA:$hitID"} == $scoreAA{"$idA:$idA"}){
			$conf_here = 1.0; # In the center
			$conf_here = 0.0; # On the border
		else {
		    $conf_here = ($scoreAA{"$idA:$hitID"} - $ortoS[$i]) /
			($scoreAA{"$idA:$idA"} - $ortoS[$i]);
		# Check if this paralog candidate is already clustered in other clusters
		for $k(1..($i-1)){ 
		    if (vec($is_paralogA[$k],$hitID,1)){ # Yes, found in cluster $k
			if($debug == 2){
			    print "      $nameA[$hitID] is already in cluster $k, together with:";
			    print " $nameA[$ortoA[$k]] and $nameB[$ortoB[$k]] ";
			    print "($scoreAA{\"$ortoA[$k]:$hitID\"})";         
			if (($confPA[$hitID] >= $conf_here) and 
			    ($j != 1)){ # The seed ortholog CAN NOT remain there
			    print " and remains there.\n" if ($debug == 2);
			    $paralogs = 0; # No action
			else { # Ortholog of THIS cluster is closer than ortholog of competing cluster $k 
			    print " and should be moved here!\n" if ($debug == 2); # Remove from other cluster, add to this cluster
			    @membersAK = split(/ /, $paralogsA[$k]); # This array contains IDs
			    $paralogsA[$k] = "";# Remove all paralogs from cluster $k
				@tmp = ();
			    for $m(@membersAK){   
				push(@tmp,$m) if ($m != $hitID); # Put other members back  
			    $paralogsA[$k] = join(' ', at tmp);
			    undef $is_paralogA[$k]; # Create index that we can check later
			    grep (vec($is_paralogA[$k],$_,1) = 1, @tmp);
		next if (! $paralogs); # Skip that paralog - it is already in cluster $k
		push (@membersA,$hitID); # Add this hit to paralogs of A 
	# Calculate confidence values now:
	@tmp = ();
	for $idP (@membersA){ # For each paralog calculate conf value
	    if($scoreAA{"$idA:$idA"} == $ortoS[$i]){
		if ($scoreAA{"$idA:$idP"} == $scoreAA{"$idA:$idA"}){
		    $confPA[$idP] = 1.00;
		    $confPA[$idP] = 0.00;
		$confPA[$idP] = ($scoreAA{"$idA:$idP"} - $ortoS[$i]) / 
		    ($scoreAA{"$idA:$idA"} - $ortoS[$i]);
	    push (@tmp, $idP) if ($confPA[$idP] >= $conf_cutoff); # If one wishes to use only significant paralogs
	@membersA = @tmp;
	########### Merge if necessary:
	if ($merge[$i] > 0){ # Merge existing cluster with overlapping cluster
	    @tmp = split(/ /,$paralogsA[$merge[$i]]);      
	    for $m (@membersA){
		push (@tmp, $m)  unless (vec($is_paralogA[$merge[$i]],$m,1));
	    $paralogsA[$merge[$i]] = join(' ', at tmp);
	    undef $is_paralogA[$merge[$i]];
	    grep (vec($is_paralogA[$merge[$i]],$_,1) = 1, @tmp); # Refresh index of paralog array
	######### Typical new cluster:
	else{  # Create a new cluster
	    $paralogsA[$i] = join(' ', at membersA);
	    undef $is_paralogA; # Create index that we can check later
	    grep (vec($is_paralogA[$i],$_,1) = 1, @membersA);
##### The same procedure for species B:   
	$N = $hitnBB[$idB];
	for $j(1..$N){
	    $hitID = $hitBB[$idB][$j];
#      print "Working with $nameB[$hitID]\n" if ($debug == 2);
	    if ( ($idB == $hitID) or ($scoreBB{"$idB:$hitID"} >= $bestscoreBA[$idB]) and 
		($scoreBB{"$idB:$hitID"} >= $bestscoreBA[$hitID])){
		if ($debug == 2){
		    print "   Paralog candidates: ";
		    printf ("%-20s: %-20s", $nameB[$idB], $nameB[$hitID]);
		    print "\t$scoreBB{\"$idB:$hitID\"} : ";
		    print "$bestscoreBA[$idB] : $bestscoreBA[$hitID]\n";
		$paralogs = 1;
		if ($scoreBB{"$idB:$idB"} == $ortoS[$i]){
		    if ($scoreBB{"$idB:$hitID"} == $scoreBB{"$idB:$idB"}){
			$conf_here = 1.0;
			$conf_here = 0.0;
		    $conf_here = ($scoreBB{"$idB:$hitID"} - $ortoS[$i]) /
			($scoreBB{"$idB:$idB"} - $ortoS[$i]);
		# Check if this paralog candidate is already clustered in other clusters
		for $k(1..($i-1)){ 
		    if (vec($is_paralogB[$k],$hitID,1)){ # Yes, found in cluster $k
			if($debug == 2){
			    print "      $nameB[$hitID] is already in cluster $k, together with:";
			    print " $nameB[$ortoB[$k]] and $nameA[$ortoA[$k]] ";
			    print "($scoreBB{\"$ortoB[$k]:$hitID\"})";
			if (($confPB[$hitID] >= $conf_here) and
			    ($j != 1)){ # The seed ortholog CAN NOT remain there
			    print " and remains there.\n" if ($debug == 2);
			    $paralogs = 0; # No action
			else { # Ortholog of THIS cluster is closer than ortholog of competing cluster $k 
			    print " and should be moved here!\n" if ($debug == 2); # Remove from other cluster, add to this cluster
			    @membersBK = split(/ /, $paralogsB[$k]); # This array contains names, not IDs
			    $paralogsB[$k] = "";
			    @tmp = ();
			    for $m(@membersBK){   
				push(@tmp,$m) if ($m != $hitID); # Put other members back  
			    $paralogsB[$k] = join(' ', at tmp);
			    undef $is_paralogB[$k]; # Create index that we can check later
			    grep (vec($is_paralogB[$k],$_,1) = 1, @tmp);
			last; # Don't search in other clusters
		next if (! $paralogs); # Skip that paralog - it is already in cluster $k
		push (@membersB,$hitID);
	# Calculate confidence values now:
	@tmp = ();
	for $idP (@membersB){ # For each paralog calculate conf value
	    if($scoreBB{"$idB:$idB"} == $ortoS[$i]){
		if ($scoreBB{"$idB:$idP"} == $scoreBB{"$idB:$idB"}){
		    $confPB[$idP] = 1.0;
		    $confPB[$idP] = 0.0;
		$confPB[$idP] = ($scoreBB{"$idB:$idP"} - $ortoS[$i]) / 
		    ($scoreBB{"$idB:$idB"} - $ortoS[$i]);
	    push (@tmp, $idP) if ($confPB[$idP] >= $conf_cutoff); # If one wishes to use only significant paralogs
	@membersB = @tmp;
	########### Merge if necessary:
	if ($merge[$i] > 0){ # Merge existing cluster with overlapping cluster
	    @tmp = split(/ /,$paralogsB[$merge[$i]]);      
	    for $m (@membersB){
		push (@tmp, $m)  unless (vec($is_paralogB[$merge[$i]],$m,1));
	    $paralogsB[$merge[$i]] = join(' ', at tmp);
	    undef $is_paralogB[$merge[$i]];
	    grep (vec($is_paralogB[$merge[$i]],$_,1) = 1, @tmp); # Refresh index of paralog array
	######### Typical new cluster:
	else{  # Create a new cluster
	    $paralogsB[$i] = join(' ', at membersB);
	    undef $is_paralogB; # Create index that we can check later
	    grep (vec($is_paralogB[$i],$_,1) = 1, @membersB);
    if ($show_times){
	($user_time,,,) = times;
	printf ("Finding in-paralogs took %.2f seconds\n", ($user_time - $prev_time));
	$prev_time = $user_time;
# Find group for orphans. If cluster contains only one member, find where it should go:
    for $i (1..$o){ 
	@membersA = split(/ /, $paralogsA[$i]);
	@membersB = split(/ /, $paralogsB[$i]);
	$na = @membersA;
	$nb = @membersB;
	if (($na == 0) and $nb){
	    print "Warning: empty A cluster $i\n";
	    for $m (@membersB){
		$bestscore = 0;
		$bestgroup = 0;
		$bestmatch = 0;
		for $j (1..$o) {
		    next if ($i == $j); # Really need to check against all 100% members of the group.
		    @membersBJ = split(/ /, $paralogsB[$j]);
		    for $k (@membersBJ){
			next if ($confPB[$k] != 1); # For all 100% in-paralogs
			$score = $scoreBB{"$m:$k"};
			if ($score > $bestscore){
			    $bestscore = $score;
			    $bestgroup = $j;
			    $bestmatch = $k;
		print "Orphan $nameB[$m] goes to group $bestgroup with $nameB[$bestmatch]\n" ;
		@members = split(/ /, $paralogsB[$bestgroup]);
		push (@members, $m);
		$paralogsB[$bestgroup] = join(' ', at members);
		$paralogsB[$i] = "";
		undef $is_paralogB[$bestgroup];
		undef $is_paralogB[$i];
		grep (vec($is_paralogB[$bestgroup],$_,1) = 1, @members); # Refresh index of paralog array
#		 grep (vec($is_paralogB[$i],$_,1) = 1, ());
	if ($na and ($nb == 0)){
	    print "Warning: empty B cluster $i\n";
	    for $m (@membersA){	  
		$bestscore = 0;
		$bestgroup = 0;
		$bestmatch = 0;
		for $j (1..$o) {
		    next if ($i == $j);
		    @membersAJ = split(/ /, $paralogsA[$j]);
		    for $k (@membersAJ){
			next if ($confPA[$k] != 1); # For all 100% in-paralogs
			$score = $scoreAA{"$m:$k"};
			if ($score > $bestscore){
			    $bestscore = $score;
			    $bestgroup = $j;
			    $bestmatch = $k;
		print "Orphan $nameA[$m] goes to group $bestgroup with $nameA[$bestmatch]\n";
		@members = split(/ /, $paralogsA[$bestgroup]);
		push (@members, $m);
		$paralogsA[$bestgroup] = join(' ', at members);
		$paralogsA[$i] = "";
		undef $is_paralogA[$bestgroup];
		undef $is_paralogA[$i];
		grep (vec($is_paralogA[$bestgroup],$_,1) = 1, @members); # Refresh index of paralog array
#	     grep (vec($is_paralogA[$i],$_,1) = 1, ());
    $htmlfile = "orthologs." . $ARGV[0] . "-" . $ARGV[1] . ".html";
    if ($html){
	open HTML, ">$htmlfile" or warn "Could not write to HTML file $filename\n";
    if ($output){
	print OUTPUT "\#\#\#\#\#\#\#\#\#\#\#\#\#\#\#\#\#\#\#\#\#\#\#\#\#\#\#\#\#\#\#\#\#\#\#\n";
	print OUTPUT "$o groups of orthologs\n";
	print OUTPUT "$totalA in-paralogs from $fasta_seq_fileA\n";
	print OUTPUT "$totalB in-paralogs from $fasta_seq_fileB\n";
	print OUTPUT "Grey zone $grey_zone bits\n";
	print OUTPUT "Score cutoff $score_cutoff bits\n";
	print OUTPUT "In-paralogs with confidence less than $conf_cutoff not shown\n";
	print OUTPUT "Sequence overlap cutoff $seq_overlap_cutoff\n";
	print OUTPUT "Group merging cutoff $group_overlap_cutoff\n";
	print OUTPUT "Scoring matrix $matrix\n"; 
	print OUTPUT "\#\#\#\#\#\#\#\#\#\#\#\#\#\#\#\#\#\#\#\#\#\#\#\#\#\#\#\#\#\#\#\#\#\#\#\n";
    if ($html){
	print HTML "<pre>\n";
	print HTML "\#\#\#\#\#\#\#\#\#\#\#\#\#\#\#\#\#\#\#\#\#\#\#\#\#\#\#\#\#\#\#\#\#\#\#\n";
	print HTML "$o groups of orthologs\n";
	print HTML "$totalA in-paralogs from $fasta_seq_fileA\n";
	print HTML "$totalB in-paralogs from $fasta_seq_fileB\n";
	print HTML "Grey zone $grey_zone bits\n";
	print HTML "Score cutoff $score_cutoff bits\n";
	print HTML "In-paralogs with confidence less than $conf_cutoff not shown\n";
	print HTML "Sequence overlap cutoff $seq_overlap_cutoff\n";
	print HTML "Group merging cutoff $group_overlap_cutoff\n";
	print HTML "Scoring matrix $matrix\n";
	print HTML "\#\#\#\#\#\#\#\#\#\#\#\#\#\#\#\#\#\#\#\#\#\#\#\#\#\#\#\#\#\#\#\#\#\#\#\n";
# ##############################################################################
# Check for alternative orthologs, sort paralogs by confidence and print results
# ##############################################################################
    if ($use_bootstrap and $debug){
	open FF, ">BS_vs_bits" or warn "Could not write to file BS_vs_bits\n";
    for $i(1..$o){
	@membersA = split(/ /, $paralogsA[$i]);
	@membersB = split(/ /, $paralogsB[$i]);		 
	$message = "";
	$htmlmessage = "";
	$idB = $ortoB[$i];
	$nB = $hitnBA[$idB];
	for $idA(@membersA){
	    next if ($confPA[$idA] != 1.0);
	    $nA = $hitnAB[$idA];
	    $confA[$i] = $ortoS[$i]; # default
	    $bsA[$idA] = 1.0;
	    for $j(1..$nB){
		$idH = $hitBA[$idB][$j];
		################ Some checks for alternative orthologs:
		# 1. Don't consider sequences that are already in this cluster
		next if (vec($is_paralogA[$i],$idH,1));
		next if ($confPA[$idH] > 0); # If $conf_cutoff > 0 idH might be incide circle, but not paralog
		# 2. Check if candidate for alternative ortholog is already clustered in stronger clusters
		$in_other_cluster = 0;
		for $k(1..($i-1)){ # Check if current ortholog is already clustered
		    if (vec($is_paralogA[$k],$idH,1)){
			$in_other_cluster = $k;
#		 next if ($in_other_cluster); # This hit is clustered in cluster $k. It cannot be alternative ortholog 
		# 3. The best hit of candidate ortholog should be ortoA or at least to belong into this cluster
		@besthits = split (/ /,$besthitAB[$idH]);
		$this_family = 0;
		for $bh (@besthits){
		    $this_family = 1 if ($idB == $bh);
#		 next unless ($this_family); # There was an alternative BA match but it's best match did not belong here
		################# Done with checks - if sequence passed, then it could be an alternative ortholog
		$confA[$i] = $ortoS[$i] - $scoreBA{"$idB:$idH"};
		if ($use_bootstrap){ 
		    if ($confA[$i] < $ortoS[$i]){ # Danger zone - check for bootstrap
			$bsA[$idA] = &bootstrap($fasta_seq_fileB,$idB,$idA,$idH);
		    else { 
			$bsA[$idA] = 1.0;
	    $message .= sprintf("Bootstrap support for %s as seed ortholog is %d%%.", $nameA[$idA], 100*$bsA[$idA]);
	    $message .= sprintf(" Alternative seed ortholog is %s (%d bits away from this cluster)", $nameA[$idH], $confA[$i]) if ($bsA[$idA] < 0.75);
	    $message .= sprintf("\n");
	    if ($html){
		if ($bsA[$idA] < 0.75){
		    $htmlmessage .= sprintf("<font color=\"red\">"); 			
		elsif ($bsA[$idA] < 0.95){
		    $htmlmessage .= sprintf("<font color=\"\#FFCC00\">");
		else {
		    $htmlmessage .= sprintf("<font color=\"green\">");
		$htmlmessage .= sprintf("Bootstrap support for %s as seed ortholog is %d%%.\n", $nameA[$idA], 100*$bsA[$idA]);
		$htmlmessage .= sprintf("Alternative seed ortholog is %s (%d bits away from this cluster)\n", $nameA[$idH], $confA[$i]) if ($bsA[$idA] < 0.75);
		$htmlmessage .= sprintf("</font>");
	    printf (FF "%s\t%d\t%d\n", $nameA[$idA], $confA[$i], 100*$bsA[$idA]) if ($use_bootstrap and $debug); 
	$idA = $ortoA[$i];
	$nA = $hitnAB[$idA];
	for $idB(@membersB){
	    next if ($confPB[$idB] != 1.0);
	    $nB = $hitnBA[$idB];
	    $confB[$i] = $ortoS[$i]; # default
	    $bsB[$idB] = 1.0;
	    for $j(1..$nA){ # For all AB hits of given ortholog
		$idH = $hitAB[$idA][$j];
		# ############### Some checks for alternative orthologs:
		# 1. Don't consider sequences that are already in this cluster
		next if (vec($is_paralogB[$i],$idH,1));
		next if ($confPB[$idH] > 0); # If $conf_cutoff > 0 idH might be incide circle, but not paralog
		# 2. Check if candidate for alternative ortholog is already clustered in stronger clusters
		$in_other_cluster = 0;
		for $k(1..($i-1)){
		    if (vec($is_paralogB[$k],$idH,1)){
			$in_other_cluster = $k;
			last; # out from this cycle
#		 next if ($in_other_cluster); # This hit is clustered in cluster $k. It cannot be alternative ortholog 
		# 3. The best hit of candidate ortholog should be ortoA
		@besthits = split (/ /,$besthitBA[$idH]);
		$this_family = 0;
		for $bh (@besthits){
		    $this_family = 1 if ($idA == $bh);
#		 next unless ($this_family); # There was an alternative BA match but it's best match did not belong here
		# ################ Done with checks - if sequence passed, then it could be an alternative ortholog
		$confB[$i] = $ortoS[$i] - $scoreAB{"$idA:$idH"};
		if ($use_bootstrap){
		    if ($confB[$i] < $ortoS[$i]){
			$bsB[$idB] = &bootstrap($fasta_seq_fileA,$idA,$idB,$idH);
		    else {
			$bsB[$idB] = 1.0;
	    $message .= sprintf("Bootstrap support for %s as seed ortholog is %d%%.", $nameB[$idB], 100*$bsB[$idB]);
	    $message .= sprintf(" Alternative seed ortholog is %s (%d bits away from this cluster)", $nameB[$idH],$confB[$i]) if ($bsB[$idB] < 0.75);
	    $message .= sprintf("\n");
	    if ($html){
		if ($bsB[$idB] < 0.75){
		    $htmlmessage .= sprintf("<font color=\"red\">");
		elsif ($bsB[$idB] < 0.95){
		    $htmlmessage .= sprintf("<font color=\"\#FFCC00\">");
		else {
		    $htmlmessage .= sprintf("<font color=\"green\">");
		$htmlmessage .= sprintf("Bootstrap support for %s as seed ortholog is %d%%.\n", $nameB[$idB], 100*$bsB[$idB]);
		$htmlmessage .= sprintf("Alternative seed ortholog is %s (%d bits away from this cluster)\n",  $nameB[$idH],$confB[$i]) if ($bsB[$idB] < 0.75);
		$htmlmessage .= sprintf("</font>");
	    printf (FF "%s\t%d\t%d\n", $nameB[$idB], $confB[$i], 100*$bsB[$idB]) if ($use_bootstrap and $debug);
	close FF;
	########### Print header ###############
	if ($output){
	    print OUTPUT "___________________________________________________________________________________\n";
	    print OUTPUT "Group of orthologs #" . $i .". Best score $ortoS[$i] bits\n";
		print OUTPUT "Score difference with first non-orthologous sequence - ";
	    printf (OUTPUT "%s:%d   %s:%d\n", $fasta_seq_fileA,$confA[$i],$fasta_seq_fileB,$confB[$i]);
	if ($html){
	    print HTML "</pre>\n";
	    print HTML "<hr WIDTH=\"100%\">";
	    print HTML "<h3>";
	    print HTML "Group of orthologs #" . $i .". Best score $ortoS[$i] bits<br>\n";
		print HTML "Score difference with first non-orthologous sequence - ";
	    printf (HTML "%s:%d   %s:%d</h3><pre>\n", $fasta_seq_fileA,$confA[$i],$fasta_seq_fileB,$confB[$i]);			
	########### Sort and print members of A ############
	$nA = @membersA;
	$nB = @membersB;
	$nMAX = ($nA > $nB) ? $nA : $nB;
	# Sort membersA inside the cluster by confidence:
	for $m (0..($nA-1)){
	    while($confPA[$membersA[$m]] < $confPA[$membersA[$m+1]]){
		$temp = $membersA[$m];
		$membersA[$m] = $membersA[$m+1];
		$membersA[$m+1] = $temp;
		--$m if ($m > 1);
	$paralogsA[$i] = join(' ', at membersA); # Put them back together
	# Sort membersB inside the cluster by confidence:
	for $m (0..($nB-1)){
	    while($confPB[$membersB[$m]] < $confPB[$membersB[$m+1]]){
		$temp = $membersB[$m];
		$membersB[$m] = $membersB[$m+1];
		$membersB[$m+1] = $temp;
		--$m if ($m > 1);
	$paralogsB[$i] = join(' ', at membersB); # Put them back together
	# Print to text file and to HTML file
	for $m (0..($nMAX-1)){
	    if ($m < $nA){
		if ($output){
		    printf (OUTPUT "%-20s\t%.2f%%\t\t", $nameA[$membersA[$m]], (100*$confPA[$membersA[$m]]));
		if ($html){
		    print HTML "<B>" if ($confPA[$membersA[$m]] == 1);
		    printf (HTML "%-20s\t%.2f%%\t\t", $nameA[$membersA[$m]], (100*$confPA[$membersA[$m]]));
		    print HTML "</B>" if ($confPA[$membersA[$m]] == 1);
	    else {
		printf (OUTPUT "%-20s\t%-7s\t\t", "                    ", "       ");
		printf (HTML "%-20s\t%-7s\t\t", "                    ", "       ") if ($html);
	    if ($m < $nB){
		if ($output){
		    printf (OUTPUT "%-20s\t%.2f%%\n", $nameB[$membersB[$m]], (100*$confPB[$membersB[$m]]));
		if ($html){
		    print HTML "<B>" if ($confPB[$membersB[$m]] == 1);
		    printf (HTML "%-20s\t%.2f%%", $nameB[$membersB[$m]], (100*$confPB[$membersB[$m]]));
		    print HTML "</B>" if ($confPB[$membersB[$m]] == 1);
		    print HTML "\n";
	    else {
		printf (OUTPUT "%-20s\t%-7s\n", "                    ", "       ") if($output);
		print HTML "\n" if ($html);
	print OUTPUT $message if ($use_bootstrap and $output);
	print HTML "$htmlmessage" if ($use_bootstrap and $html);
    if ($output) {
      close OUTPUT;
      print "Output saved to file $outputfile\n";
    if ($html){
      close HTML;
      print "HTML output saved to $htmlfile\n";
    if ($table){
	$filename = "table." . $ARGV[0] . "-" . $ARGV[1];
	open F, ">$filename" or die;
	print F "OrtoID\tScore\tOrtoA\tOrtoB\n";
	for $i(1..$o){
	    print F "$i\t$ortoS[$i]\t";
	    @members = split(/ /, $paralogsA[$i]);
	    for $m (@members){
		$m =~ s/://g;
		printf (F "%s %.3f ", $nameA[$m], $confPA[$m]);
	    print F "\t";
	    @members = split(/ /, $paralogsB[$i]);
	    for $m (@members){
		$m =~ s/://g;
		printf (F "%s %.3f ", $nameB[$m], $confPB[$m]);
	    print F "\n";
	close F;
	print "Table output saved to $filename\n";
    if ($mysql_table){
	$filename2 = "sqltable." . $ARGV[0] . "-" . $ARGV[1];
	open F2, ">$filename2" or die;
	for $i(1..$o){
	    @membersA = split(/ /, $paralogsA[$i]);
	    for $m (@membersA){
		# $m =~ s/://g;
		if ($use_bootstrap && $bsA[$m]) {
		    printf (F2 "%d\t%d\t%s\t%.3f\t%s\t%d%\n", $i, $ortoS[$i], $ARGV[0], $confPA[$m], $nameA[$m], 100*$bsA[$m]);
		} else {
		    printf (F2 "%d\t%d\t%s\t%.3f\t%s\n", $i, $ortoS[$i], $ARGV[0], $confPA[$m], $nameA[$m]);
	    @membersB = split(/ /, $paralogsB[$i]);
	    for $m (@membersB){
		# $m =~ s/://g;
		if ($use_bootstrap && $bsB[$m]) {
		    printf (F2 "%d\t%d\t%s\t%.3f\t%s\t%d%\n", $i, $ortoS[$i], $ARGV[1], $confPB[$m], $nameB[$m], 100*$bsB[$m]);
		}else {
		    printf (F2 "%d\t%d\t%s\t%.3f\t%s\n", $i, $ortoS[$i], $ARGV[1], $confPB[$m], $nameB[$m]);
	close F2;
	print "mysql output saved to $filename2\n";
    if ($show_times){
      ($user_time,,,) = times;
      printf ("Finding bootstrap values and printing took %.2f seconds\n", ($user_time - $prev_time));
      printf ("The overall execution time: %.2f seconds\n", $user_time);
    if ($run_blast) { 
      unlink "formatdb.log";
      unlink "$fasta_seq_fileA.phr", "$fasta_seq_fileA.pin", "$fasta_seq_fileA.psq";
      unlink "$fasta_seq_fileB.phr", "$fasta_seq_fileB.pin", "$fasta_seq_fileB.psq" if (@ARGV >= 2);
      unlink "$fasta_seq_fileC.phr", "$fasta_seq_fileC.pin", "$fasta_seq_fileC.psq" if ($use_outgroup);   

# Functions:
sub clean_up { # Sort members within cluster and clusters by size
############################################################################################### Modification by Isabella 3

    # Sort on index arrays with perl's built in sort instead of using bubble sort.

    $var = shift;
    $totalA = $totalB = 0;
    # First pass: count members within each cluster
    foreach $i (1..$o) {
	@membersA = split(/ /, $paralogsA[$i]);      
	$clusnA[$i] = @membersA; # Number of members in this cluster
	$totalA += $clusnA[$i];
	$paralogsA[$i] = join(' ', at membersA);
	@membersB = split(/ /, $paralogsB[$i]);      
	$clusnB[$i] = @membersB; # Number of members in this cluster
	$totalB += $clusnB[$i];
	$paralogsB[$i] = join(' ', at membersB);
	$clusn[$i] =  $clusnB[$i] + $clusnA[$i]; # Number of members in given group

    # Create an array used to store the position each element shall have in the final array
    # The elements are initialized with the position numbers
    my @position_index_array = (1..$o);

    # Sort the position list according to cluster size
    my @cluster_sorted_position_list = sort { $clusn[$b] <=> $clusn[$a]} @position_index_array;

    # Create new arrays for the sorted information
    my @new_paralogsA;
    my @new_paralogsB;
    my @new_is_paralogA;
    my @new_is_paralogB;
    my @new_clusn;
    my @new_ortoS;
    my @new_ortoA;
    my @new_ortoB;

   # Add the information to the new arrays in the orer specifeid by the index array
   for (my $index_in_list = 0; $index_in_list < scalar @cluster_sorted_position_list; $index_in_list++) {
	my $old_index = $cluster_sorted_position_list[$index_in_list];
	if (!$clusn[$old_index]) {
		$o = (scalar @new_ortoS) - 1;

	$new_paralogsA[$index_in_list + 1] = $paralogsA[$old_index];
        $new_paralogsB[$index_in_list + 1] = $paralogsB[$old_index];
    	$new_is_paralogA[$index_in_list + 1] = $is_paralogA[$old_index];
    	$new_is_paralogB[$index_in_list + 1] = $is_paralogB[$old_index];
   	$new_clusn[$index_in_list + 1] = $clusn[$old_index];
	$new_ortoA[$index_in_list + 1] = $ortoA[$old_index];
	$new_ortoB[$index_in_list + 1] = $ortoB[$old_index];
	$new_ortoS[$index_in_list + 1] = $ortoS[$old_index];

    @paralogsA = @new_paralogsA;
    @paralogsB = @new_paralogsB;
    @is_paralogA = @new_is_paralogA;
    @is_paralogB = @new_is_paralogB;
    @clusn = @new_clusn;
    @ortoS = @new_ortoS;
    @ortoA = @new_ortoA;
    @ortoB = @new_ortoB;

    # Create an array used to store the position each element shall have in the final array
    # The elements are initialized with the position numbers
    @position_index_array = (1..$o);

    # Sort the position list according to score
    @score_sorted_position_list = sort { $ortoS[$b] <=> $ortoS[$a] } @position_index_array;

    # Create new arrays for the sorted information
    my @new_paralogsA2 = ();
    my @new_paralogsB2 = ();
    my @new_is_paralogA2 = ();
    my @new_is_paralogB2 = ();
    my @new_clusn2 = ();
    my @new_ortoS2 = ();
    my @new_ortoA2 = ();
    my @new_ortoB2 = ();

   # Add the information to the new arrays in the orer specifeid by the index array
   for (my $index_in_list = 0; $index_in_list < scalar @score_sorted_position_list; $index_in_list++) {
	my $old_index = $score_sorted_position_list[$index_in_list];
	$new_paralogsA2[$index_in_list + 1] = $paralogsA[$old_index];
        $new_paralogsB2[$index_in_list + 1] = $paralogsB[$old_index];
    	$new_is_paralogA2[$index_in_list + 1] = $is_paralogA[$old_index];
    	$new_is_paralogB2[$index_in_list + 1] = $is_paralogB[$old_index];
   	$new_clusn2[$index_in_list + 1] = $clusn[$old_index];
	$new_ortoA2[$index_in_list + 1] = $ortoA[$old_index];
	$new_ortoB2[$index_in_list + 1] = $ortoB[$old_index];
	$new_ortoS2[$index_in_list + 1] = $ortoS[$old_index];

    @paralogsA = @new_paralogsA2;
    @paralogsB = @new_paralogsB2;
    @is_paralogA = @new_is_paralogA2;
    @is_paralogB = @new_is_paralogB2;
    @clusn = @new_clusn2;
    @ortoS = @new_ortoS2;
    @ortoA = @new_ortoA2;
    @ortoB = @new_ortoB2;

#################################################################################### End modification by Isabella 3

sub bootstrap{
    my $species = shift;
    my $seq_id1 = shift; # Query ID from $species
    my $seq_id2 = shift; # Best hit ID from other species
    my $seq_id3 = shift; # Second best hit
    # Retrieve sequence 1 from $species and sequence 2 from opposite species
    my $significance = 0.0;
    if ($species eq $fasta_seq_fileA){
	$file1 = $fasta_seq_fileA;
	$file2 = $fasta_seq_fileB;
    elsif ($species eq $fasta_seq_fileB){
	$file1 = $fasta_seq_fileB;
	$file2 = $fasta_seq_fileA;
    else {
	print "Bootstrap values for ortholog groups are not calculated\n";
	return 0;

    open A, $file1 or die;
    $id = 0;
    $print_this_seq = 0;
    $seq1 = "";
    $seq2 = "";

    $query_file = $seq_id1 . ".faq";                                                                              
    open Q, ">$query_file" or die; 

    while (<A>){
	    $print_this_seq = ($id == $seq_id1)?1:0;
	print Q if ($print_this_seq);
    close A;
    close Q;
    open B, $file2 or die;
    $db_file = $seq_id2 . ".fas";
    open DB, ">$db_file" or die;
    $id = 0;
    $print_this_seq = 0;

    while (<B>){
	    $print_this_seq = (($id == $seq_id2) or ($id == $seq_id3))?1:0;
	print DB if ($print_this_seq);
    close B;
    close DB;
    system "$formatdb -i $db_file";
    # Use soft masking in 1-pass mode for simplicity.
    system "$blastall -F\"m S\" -i $query_file -z 5000000 -d $db_file -p blastp -M $matrix -m7 | $blastParser 0 -a > $seq_id2.faa";

    # Note: Changed score cutoff 50 to 0 for blast2faa.pl (060402).
    # Reason: after a cluster merger a score can be less than the cutoff (50) 
    # which will remove the sequence in blast2faa.pl.  The bootstrapping will 
    # then fail.
    # AGAIN, updaye
    if (-s("$seq_id2.faa")){

	system("java -jar $seqstat -m $matrix -n 1000 -i $seq_id2.faa > $seq_id2.bs"); # Can handle U, u

	if (-s("$seq_id2.bs")){
	    open BS, "$seq_id2.bs" or die "pac failed\n";
	    $_ = <BS>;
	    ($dummy1,$dummy2,$dummy3,$dummy4,$significance) = split(/\s+/);
	    close BS;	
	    print STDERR "pac failed\n"; # if ($debug);
	    $significance = -0.01;
	print STDERR "blast2faa for $query_file / $db_file failed\n"; # if ($debug);                                            
	$significance = 0.0; 
    unlink "$seq_id2.fas", "$seq_id2.faa", "$seq_id2.bs", "$seq_id1.faq"; 
    unlink "formatdb.log", "$seq_id2.fas.psq", "$seq_id2.fas.pin", "$seq_id2.fas.phr";
    return $significance;

sub overlap_test{
        my @Fld = @_;

	# Filter out fragmentary hits by:
	# Ignore hit if aggregate matching area covers less than $seq_overlap_cutoff of sequence.
	# Ignore hit if local matching segments cover less than $segment_coverage_cutoff of sequence.
	# $Fld[3] and $Fld[4] are query and subject lengths.
	# $Fld[5] and $Fld[6] are lengths of the aggregate matching region on query and subject. (From start of first matching segment to end of last matching segment).
	# $Fld[7] and $Fld[8] are local matching length on query and subject (Sum of all segments length's on query).

	$retval = 1;
#	if ($Fld[3] >= $Fld[4]) {
		if ($Fld[5] < ($seq_overlap_cutoff * $Fld[3])) {$retval = 0};
		if ($Fld[7] < ($segment_coverage_cutoff * $Fld[3])) {$retval = 0};
#	} 
#	if ($Fld[4] >= $Fld[3]) { 
		if ($Fld[6] < ($seq_overlap_cutoff * $Fld[4])) {$retval = 0};
		if ($Fld[8] < ($segment_coverage_cutoff * $Fld[4])) {$retval = 0};
#	}
	# print "$Fld[3] $Fld[5] $Fld[7]; $Fld[4] $Fld[6] $Fld[8]; retval=$retval\n";

	return $retval;

sub do_blast {
  if ($blast_two_passes) {
  } else {

sub do_blast_1pass {
  my @Fld = @_;
  # $Fld [0] is query
  # $Fld [1] is database
  # $Fld [2] is query size
  # $Fld [3] is database size
  # $Fld [4] is output name
  # Use soft masking (low complexity masking by SEG in search phase, not in alignment phase). 
  system ("$blastall -F\"m S\" -i $Fld[0] -d $Fld[1] -p blastp -v $Fld[3] -b $Fld[3] -M $matrix -z 5000000 -m7 | $blastParser $score_cutoff > $Fld[4]");

sub do_blast_2pass {

	my @Fld = @_;

	# $Fld [0] is query
	# $Fld [1] is database
	# $Fld [2] is query size
	# $Fld [3] is database size
	# $Fld [4] is output name

	# assume the script has already formatted the database
	# we will now do 2-pass approach

	# load sequences

	%sequencesA = ();
	%sequencesB = ();

	open (FHA, $Fld [0]);
	while (<FHA>) {

		$aLine = $_;
		chomp ($aLine);

		$seq = "";

		if ($aLine =~ />/) {
			@words = split (/\s/, $aLine);
			$seqID = $words[0];
			$sequencesA {$seqID} = "";
		else {
			$sequencesA {$seqID} = $sequencesA {$seqID}.$aLine;
	close (FHA);

	open (FHB, $Fld [1]);
	while (<FHB>) {
		$aLine = $_;
		chomp ($aLine);

		$seq = "";

		if ($aLine =~ />/) {
			@words = split (/\s/, $aLine);
			$seqID = $words[0];
			$sequencesB {$seqID} = "";
		else {
			$sequencesB {$seqID} = $sequencesB {$seqID}.$aLine;
	close (FHB);

	# Do first pass with compositional adjustment on and soft masking.  
	# This efficiently removes low complexity matches but truncates alignments,
	# making a second pass necessary.
	print STDERR "\nStarting first BLAST pass for $Fld[0] - $Fld[1] on ";
	open FHR, "$blastall -C3 -F\"m S\" -i $Fld[0] -d $Fld[1] -p blastp -v $Fld[3] -b $Fld[3] -M $matrix -z 5000000 -m7 | $blastParser $score_cutoff|";

	%theHits = ();
	while (<FHR>) {
		$aLine = $_;
		chomp ($aLine);
		@words = split (/\s+/, $aLine);

		if (exists ($theHits {$words [0]})) {
			$theHits {$words [0]} = $theHits {$words [0]}." ".$words [1];
		else {
			$theHits {$words [0]} = $words [1];

	close (FHR);

	$tmpdir = ".";   # May be slightly (5%) faster using the RAM disk "/dev/shm".
	$tmpi = "$tmpdir/tmpi";
	$tmpd = "$tmpdir/tmpd";

	# Do second pass with compositional adjustment off to get full-length alignments.
	print STDERR "\nStarting second BLAST pass for $Fld[0] - $Fld[1] on ";
	unlink "$Fld[4]";
	foreach $aQuery (keys % theHits) {

		# Create single-query file
		open (FHT, ">$tmpi");
		print FHT ">$aQuery\n".$sequencesA {">$aQuery"}."\n";
		close (FHT);

	        # Create mini-database of hit sequences
		open (FHT, ">$tmpd");
		foreach $aHit (split (/\s/, $theHits {$aQuery})) {
			print FHT ">$aHit\n".$sequencesB {">$aHit"}."\n";
		close (FHT);

		# Run Blast and add to output
		system ("$formatdb -i $tmpd");
		system ("$blastall -C0 -FF -i $tmpi -d $tmpd -p blastp -v $Fld[3] -b $Fld[3] -M $matrix -z 5000000 -m7 | $blastParser $score_cutoff >> $Fld[4]");

	unlink "$tmpi", "$tmpd", "formatdb.log", "$tmpd.phr", "$tmpd.pin", "$tmpd.psq";

#   Date                                 Modification
# --------          ---------------------------------------------------
# 2006-04-02 [1.36] - Changed score cutoff 50 to 0 for blast2faa.pl.
#                   Reason: after a cluster merger a score can be less than the cutoff (50)
#                   which will remove the sequence in blast2faa.pl.  The bootstrapping will
#                   then fail.
#                   - Fixed bug with index variable in bootstrap routine.
# 2006-06-01 [2.0]  - Fixed bug in blast_parser.pl: fields 7 and 8 were swapped,
#                   it was supposed to print match_area before HSP_length.
#                   - Fixed bug in blastall call: -v param was wrong for the A-B
#                   and B-A comparisons.
#                   - 
#                   - Changed "cluster" to "group" consistently in output.
#                   - Changed "main ortholog" to "seed ortholog" in output.
#                   - Replace U -> X before running seqstat.jar, otherwise it crashes.
# 2006-08-04 [2.0]  - In bootstrap subroutine, replace U with X, otherwise seqstat
#                       will crash as this is not in the matrix (should fix this in seqstat)
# 2006-08-04 [2.1]  - Changed to writing default output to file.
#                   - Added options to run blast only.
#                   - Fixed some file closing bugs.
# 2007-12-14 [3.0]  - Sped up sorting routines (by Isabella).
#                   - New XML-based blast_parser.
#                   - New seqstat.jar to handle u and U.
#                   - Modified overlap criterion for rejecting matches.  Now it agrees with the paper.
# 2009-04-01 [4.0]  - Further modification of overlap criteria (require that they are met for both query and subject).
#		    - Changed bit score cutoff to 40, which is suitable for compositionally adjusted BLAST.
#		    - Added in 2-pass algorithm.
# 2009-06-11 [4.0]  - Moved blasting out to subroutine.
#		    - Changed blasting in bootstrap subroutine to use unconditional score matrix adjustment and SEG hard masking,
#		      to be the same as first step of 2-pass blast.
# 2009-06-17 [4.0]  - Compensated a Blast "bug" that sometimes gives a self-match lower score than a non-identical match.
#                      This can happen with score matrix adjustment and can lead to missed orthologs.
# 2009-08-18 [4.0]  - Consolidated Blast filtering parameters for 2-pass (-C3 -F\"m S\"; -C0 -FF)
# 2009-10-09 [4.1]  - Fixed bug that caused failure if Fasta header lines had more than one word.

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