[OKC-CosmologyGravity] Development of Superconducting Sensors for Next Generation CMB Experiments" by Samantha Walker - Sep19 at 13:30 Nordita South

Martina Gerbino martina.gerbino at fysik.su.se
Wed Sep 19 09:59:19 CEST 2018

Dear all,

please find below details about an upcoming Nordita seminar:

"Development of Superconducting Sensors for Next Generation Cosmic Microwave Background Experiments" by Samantha Walker (University of Colorado) - Today Sep 19 at 13:30 in 122:026 (Nordita South)

Abstract: Observations of the cosmic microwave background (CMB) provide a powerful tool for probing the earliest moments of the universe and therefore have the potential to transform our understanding of cosmology. In particular, precision measurements of its polarization can reveal the existence of gravitational waves produced during cosmic inflation. However, these observations are complicated by the presence of astrophysical foregrounds, which may be separated by using broad frequency coverage, as the spectral energy distribution between foregrounds and the CMB is distinct. For this purpose, we are developing large-bandwidth, feedhorn-coupled transition-edge-sensor (TES) arrays. In this work, we describe two types of pixels, an ultra-high frequency (UHF) design, which operates from 195 GHz-315 GHz, and an extended ultra-high frequency (UHF++) design, which operates from 195 GHz-420 GHz, being developed for next generation CMB experiments that will come online in the next decade, in particular, CCAT-prime and the Simons Observatory. We present the designs, simulation results, and preliminary measurements of these prototype pixels.



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