[OKC-CosmologyGravity] C&G meeting - Oct 24 @ 13:15 in A5:1041 - talk by Steffen Hagstotz

Raghunath Ghara raghunath.ghara at astro.su.se
Tue Oct 23 13:41:34 CEST 2018

Dear All,

We will meet again for our next C&G seminar on 24th October, tomorrow at 13:15 in room number A5:1041.

Steffen Hagstotz from the Department of Physics, SU will give a seminar on the following topic:

Title: Hunting Modified Gravity and Neutrinos with Clusters of Galaxies


Considerable effort in cosmology is focused on understanding the statistical nature of the cosmological density field that underlies the observable large-scale structure. Clusters of galaxies trace the highest, non-Gaussian peaks of the matter density, and their abundance is a sensitive probe of both underlying cosmological parameters as well as of the physics governing structure formation. In my talk I will explain how cluster abundance can be used to search for modifications of gravity via the impact on spherical collapse and why neutrinos are a crucial component in these searches. In addition, astrophysical signatures within the cluster can be a key signal themselves and I will demonstrate how to incorporate them consistently in searches to constrain deviations from general relativity.

Date:        October 24, Wednesday

Time:        13:15

Place:       A5:1041


Jens & Raghu

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