[OKC-CosmologyGravity] C&G meeting - Feb 27 @ 13:15 in FC61 - talk by Axel Brandenburg

Raghunath Ghara raghunath.ghara at astro.su.se
Fri Feb 22 12:08:33 CET 2019

Dear All,

We will meet again for our next C&G seminar on 27th February at 13:15 in room number FC61, department of Astronomy. Axel Brandenburg  from Nordita will give a seminar on the following topic:

Title: Numerical simulations of gravitational waves from early universe turbulence


Using direct numerical simulations of early universe hydromagnetic turbulence with energy densities of up to 10% of the radiation energy density, we show that gravitational waves (GWs) with energy

densities of about 10^{-10} times the critical energy density of the Friedmann universe today were produced. Their characteristic strain today is found to be about 10^{-20} and should be observable with the Laser Interferometer Space Antenna (LISA) in the mHz range. The GWs have positive (negative) circular polarization if the magnetic field has positive (negative) magnetic helicity. The GW energy reaches a constant value after the turbulent energy (kinetic or magnetic) has reached its maximum. Compressive modes are found to produce about 10 times stronger GWs than solenoidal ones. After a fraction of the Hubble time, a new shallow low frequency tail develops, which is shown not to be an artifact of a finite domain size.

Date:        February 27, Wednesday

Time:        13:15

Place:       FC61


Jens, Raghu, Justin & Steffen

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