[Okc-wp4] Reminder: EO meeting on June 1st

Francesco Taddia francesco.taddia at astro.su.se
Thu Jun 1 09:37:40 CEST 2017

Francesco Taddia
Postdoctoral Researcher
Department of Astronomy
Stockholm University, Sweden
ftadd at astro.su.se<mailto:ftadd at astro.su.se>

On 29 May 2017, at 14:30, Francesco Taddia <ftadd at astro.su.se<mailto:ftadd at astro.su.se>> wrote:

Hi all,

on Thursday (13:00-14:00, usual room on the 5th floor) Serena Falocco will give a talk titled: "The XMM view of NGC6217: evidence for an extended X-ray jet from a complex galactic nucleus”.

Here the abstract:

NGC6217 is a nearby (z=0.005) spiral galaxy. A variety of multi band data highlights various aspects of its central core resulting in multiple types of classifications, from a pure starburst to a Seyfert nucleus. Pietsch+2001 reported a jet emanating from the nucleus of NGC6217 in the Rosat X-ray images. The structure is composed by three knots and it is extended over 19 kpc.
We have studied four observations from XMM Newton satellite, studying the images and the spectra of the central core and the knots in order to understand their nature. The spectra of the central core are well represented by a complex starburst-AGN core. The XMM images confirm the presence of the jet structure. The spectra of the knots are harder than the spectrum of the core, in agreement with the jet hypothesis. Additional HST and VLA data display a complex nucleus with several condensations, suggesting a low luminosity AGN core coexisting with a starburst region. The accretion rate estimated in our study is consistent with an ADAF accretion mode.



Francesco Taddia
Postdoctoral Researcher
Department of Astronomy
Stockholm University, Sweden
ftadd at astro.su.se<mailto:ftadd at astro.su.se>

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