[Socbin] Call for contributions: European Science Foundation workshop on RNA-Seq & strategy meeting on joint funding opportunities, Vienna 24-26 March

Dr. D. P. Kreil socbin08 at kreil.org
Mon Mar 14 02:58:58 CET 2011

Dear Collagues,

The ESF ‘StatSeq <http://www.statseq.eu/>’ COST action on the statistical
challenges from next-generation sequencing organizes a meeting in Vienna
including a *workhop on RNA-Seq* (24 and 25 March) and a *strategy session*
for *identifying opportunities for collaboration* and applications for joint
funding (26 March).

*You are cordially invited!  *Please visit the meeting pages at *
www.bioinf.boku.ac.at/statseq* !

The *Call for contributed talks and
* is currently *open*! Note that we can offer up to eight *ESF
bursaries*covering travel and accommodation for selected speakers.

There will also be a number of invited talks, with past workshops featuring
well known scientists like Magnus Nordborg (Gregor-Mendel
Institute<http://www.gmi.oeaw.ac.at/>of the Austrian Academy), Gunnar
Rätsch (Max-Planck-Institute,
Thübingen <http://www.fml.tuebingen.mpg.de/>), and Paul Kersey (EMBL–EBI,
Cambridge <http://www.ebi.ac.uk/>).

Workshop focus and topics for Discussion:

*What have we learned from applying RNA-Seq to complex tissues / organisms
with rich transcriptomes such as mammals or plants?*

   - Novel biological insights
   - Current experimental challenges
   - Recent advances in computational analysis (processing, identifying
   biologically relevant signals, statistics, ...)
   - Current computational challenges

*What have we learned from calibrating and validating RNA-Seq?*

   - Recent methodological advances
   - Benchmarks and comparisons (variant protocols or relative to other
   - Current methodological challenges
   - Recent advances in computational analysis (processing, bias removal,
   calibration, ...)
   - Current computational challenges

*Update:* Currently confirmed keynote speakers:
José Jiménéz-Gomez, Max-Planck-Institute Köln

José has been an early adopter of RNA-Seq for the study of polymorphisms and
expression profiles in tomato and its wild relatives. His research group is
interested in the natural variation, evolution, and domestication of plants.
Hannes Ponstingl, The Wellcome Trust Sanger Institute, Cambridge

Hannes has been responsible for the development of modern algorithms
forread mapping like
SMALT <http://www.sanger.ac.uk/resources/software/smalt/> and
that form the foundation of RNA-Seq.
Micha Sammeth, Centre Nacional d'Anàlisi Genòmica, Barcelona

In the Flux Project <http://flux.sammeth.net/>, Micha has developed an
approach for capturing the individual steps of the complete RNA-Seq process.
This allows to model the impact of each step on measurement characteristics.


Programm committee:

WG1 members of the COST action Management Committee

Session chairs:

*David Kreil <http://www.bioinf.boku.ac.at/members.php#dkreil> &

Local organizers:

*Paweł Łabaj <http://www.bioinf.boku.ac.at/members.php#plabaj>, Smriti
Shridhar <http://www.bioinf.boku.ac.at/members.php#ssrhridhar>*

Registrations and reimbursements will be handled by the office of
Marco Bink<http://www.biometris.wur.nl/UK/Staff/Marco+Bink/>.

 Registration, speakers*€100 Registration, delegates before 16 March
 €150 Registration,
delegates after 16 March€200

Places at the workshop and speaker slots are made available in the order of
*submission* <https://www.easychair.org/conferences/?conf=rnaseq2011>.

* Up to eight ESF bursaries for travel and accommodation can be made
available to selected speakers. The fixed subsistence payments can also
cover the workshop fee.
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