[SocBiN] 8th Danish Bioinformatics Conference in Copenhagen, 21-22 August 2024!

Nadezhda Tsankova Doncheva doncheva at rth.dk
Thu Jun 13 18:04:43 CEST 2024

Dear colleagues, 


We are excited to invite you to the 8th Danish Bioinformatics Conference, which will take place on August 21-22, 2024 in Panum at the University of Copenhagen! This year we have an exciting program highlighting many aspects of informatics and digital health represented by multiple sessions and workshops, including Computational genomics, Integrative omics, Deep learning, and Systems medicine. See our conference website for more details: https://eventsignup.ku.dk/8danishbioinfconference/.


The registration and abstract submission forms just opened this morning and we will close for early registration on July 1. Note that spots are limited and early birds get access to our social dinner/networking event after the first day of the conference!


Looking forward to seeing many of you here in Copenhagen! 

Nadya, on behalf of the organizers




Nadezhda T. Doncheva
Assistant professor

University of Copenhagen
Faculty of Health and Medical Sciences

Novo Nordisk Foundation Center for Protein Research

Cellular network biology (Jensen group)

Blegdamsvej 3, Bygning 6
2200 Copenhagen N

nadezhda.doncheva at cpr.ku.dk



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