[SocBiN] Aug 16, 2024 - Symposium on Applied Deep Learning in Bioinformatics (UCPH, Copenhagen Biocenter)

Betina Wingreen Jensen coordinator at rth.dk
Tue Jun 25 12:19:32 CEST 2024

Dear Colleagues, 

We are delighted to announce the upcoming Symposium on Applied Deep Learning
in Bioinformatics (funded by the NNF CRISPRnet project).

The event will take place on Aug 16, 2024, from 10.00 to 15.00 at the
Lundbeckfonden Auditorium, Copenhagen Biocenter, Ole Maaløesvej 5, 2200
Copenhagen N, Denmark.

Registration is free but needed for all attending. 

The meeting is “in person” only.

For more information about the event, to see the programme and to register,
please go to:


On behalf of the organisers (Jan Gorodkin and Lars Juhl Jensen)

Best wishes,



Betina Wingreen Jensen

Special Advisor/Project Manager


University of Copenhagen

Department of Veterinary and Animal Sciences

Grønnegårdsvej 3 & 7 & Ridebanevej 3 & 9

1870 Frederiksberg C


DIR +45 35 33 47 04

MOB +45 21 51 09 32

 <mailto:bwj at sund.ku.dk> bwj at sund.ku.dk




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