[SocBiN] junior professorship in AI and multiscale modeling in biology and bio-medicine

Ovidiu Radulescu ovidiu.radulescu at umontpellier.fr
Wed May 22 08:25:26 CEST 2024

Dear All,

A junior professor position (tenure track) in *AI and multiscale 
modeling in biology and bio-medicine* is open in the *Laboratory of 
Pathogens and Host Immunity at the University of Montpellier*. The 
junior professorship is an independent position, offering an accelerated 
track to professorship, reduced teaching duties, and attractive starting 
grants. The junior professor is expected to develop an autonomous and 
original research program in AI, oriented towards the exploitation of 
multi-omics and imaging data in infectiology, oncology, or fundamental 
biology. During the tenure track, teaching may be conducted in English.

Applications should be submitted on the Galaxie website from 16/05/2024 
CPJ number 211.

More details about this position can be found here 

Contact: ovidiu.radulescu at umontpellier.fr

Prof. Ovidiu Radulescu
Université de Montpellier
LPHI - UMR CNRS/INSERM/UM         Phone: +33-(0)4-6714-9221
Pl. E. Bataillon - Bat. 24      Fax:   +33-(0)4-6714-4286
Université de Montpellier       email:ovidiu.radulescu at umontpellier.fr
CP 107
34095 Montpellier Cedex 5
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