[Drand] Stress Workshop at Fysikum January 17.

Kess Marks kess.marks at fysik.su.se
Mon Jan 8 11:23:56 CET 2018

Dear PhD students at Fysikum,

I would like to invite you to the stress workshop organized by the PhD-council and Feelgood on January 17th from 13:00 to 15:00 in FB53.

It is no secret that PhD students experience more stress than the average employee, the pressure of teaching, research, publishing papers and doing it all as good as possible takes it's toll. We score higher on depression, burn outs and sick leave. In a questionnaire 2 years ago it showed that over 80% of PhD students felt they experienced unnecessary stress.

For this reason the PhD council has invited Charlotta Wahlström, psychologist at Feelgood, Fysikum's health company, to come and talk to us about stress and handling stress.

The workshop will contain, but is not limited to the following:

  *   Knowledge about stress mechanisms
  *   Knowledge on coping strategies
  *   Practical tools to prevent stress
  *   Identify stress in oneself and others
  *   How to deal with feelings and reactions to stress
  *   Discussion and experience exchange

I hope sincerely that all of you will find the time to attend this workshop since it might not only benefit yourself but also the people around us if we know more about recognizing and coping with stress.

The workshop is tailored to PhD students, but other members of staff such as postdocs or supervisors are very welcome to participate as well so feel free to invite other people from your groups.

Kind Regards

Kess Marks

Chairman of the PhD council.

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