[Drand] Reminder: PhD council fall meeting

Kajsa Blomdahl kajsamy.blomdahl at fysik.su.se
Fri Nov 23 11:41:51 CET 2018

Hi everyone,

This is a kind reminder of todays meeting at 15:15 in FB52.

If you wanna join us afterwards, we will meet outside the restaurant. Bring cash or use Swish if you want to buy beer/drinks.

See you there!
Från: Drand-at-fysik.su.se <drand-at-fysik.su.se-bounces at lists.su.se> för Kajsa Blomdahl <kajsamy.blomdahl at fysik.su.se>
Skickat: den 16 november 2018 17:38
Till: drand at fysik.su.se
Ämne: [Drand] PhD council fall meeting

Dear PhD students at Fysikum,

The annual PhD council fall meeting will be held on Friday 23 November at 15:15 in FB52.

At the fall meeting we elect a representative and a secondary for NFR. The PhD council also nominates for a number of positions at faculty and section level. The election is then done at the annual NFR meeting on 3 December.

For both the positions at the faculty level and at the section level it is important to notice that the candidates do not only represent the PhD students at Fysikum, and hence any elected candidate will be expected to report to all relevant councils.

Some further information about NFR and the boards can be found at: https://sus.su.se/rad-och-natverk/nfr

Finally a note on the notation,
(n+m): n is the number of ordinary representatives, m is the number of secondaries, that NFR elects
(Swe (R)): (Swe) indicates that Swedish is required, (R), that only reading (Swedish) is required
(Low/Medium/High): Indicates how high the workload is
Names in italics show where PhD students at Fysikum have been representatives the last year.

NFR representative (1+1) (Swe (R)) (Medium) Jesper Norell + Pil Maria Saugmann

Nomination on faculty level
CDR nomination (2+2) (Swe (R)) (High) Pil Maria Saugmann
Områdesnämden (ON) (3+1) (Swe) (High) Jesper Norell
Arbetsutskottet (ON-AU) (1+1) (High) (Swe)
Befodringsnämnden (1+1) (Eng) (Potentially high)
Docentberedningen (1+1) (Eng)
Infogruppen (1+0) (Swe)

Nomination on section level
Sektionsberedningen (2) (Swe) (Math)
Forskarutbildningsberedningen (1+1) (Swe) (Math)
Stipendieberedningen (1+1) (Swe (R)) (Low) Pil Maria Saugmann
Lärarförslagsnämnden (2+2) (Swe) (High) Kajsa-My Blomdahl

If you cannot attend this meeting and want to nominate someone (including yourself) to a position or if you want to continue your current position please contact one of us:
Kajsa-My: kajsamy.blomdahl at fysik.su.se<mailto:kajsamy.blomdahl at fysik.su.se> or Pil: pilmaria.saugmann at fysik.su.se<mailto:pilmaria.saugmann at fysik.su.se>

Preliminary agenda

  1.  Meeting formalities

     *   Opening the meeting
     *   Confirmation of the meeting being announced according procedure
     *   Confirmation of the agenda
     *   Election of chairman of the meeting
     *   Election of secretary of the meeting
     *   Election of two adjusters
  1.  Approval of the Protocol of the Spring Meeting
  2.  Report from the cashier
  3.  Report from the revisors
  4.  Nominations and elections of representatives to faculty level
     *   Information about the different councils and faculty work in general (Pil)
     *   Election of new CoPS representative (Jorge Laraña Aragon) for the PhD council
     *   Nominees for PhD and student councils
     *   Nominees for Committees and boards within the section for mathematics and physics
  5.  Report from the chairman
     *   Ethics Course
     *   Broad Course
     *   50 % Salary raise and the licentiate
     *   ISP
     *   PhD council website
  6.  Social events, invitation to pub tonight
  7.  Other issues
Please let us know if you want to add anything to the agenda. As promised, there will be fika and afterwards at 17:00 there will be a pub. People not attending the meeting are of course welcome to join us afterwards!


Kajsa-My Blomdahl, chairman of the PhD student council and
Pil Maria Saugmann, chairman of CDR

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