[Drand] Teaching assistant

Fredrik Hellberg fredrik.hellberg at fysik.su.se
Tue Jun 9 11:30:48 CEST 2020


Thanks all of you who sent in application for teaching duties next 
semester. I'm a bit late with the interviews this year.  I would like to 
meet all of you for a short Zoom meeting. *I will start with all of you 
**who had teaching this academic year*. Please sign up for a time in the 
doodle in the end of this week or on Monday


Here is the Zoom link: https://stockholmuniversity.zoom.us/j/61531900012

Since the time is short it is important that you go into the room 
exactly when the meeting starts (and not before since we may not have 

After that I will add new time slots for the rest of you. Unfortunately 
I will probably not have assignments for all of you this year, but I 
will do my best to get as many of you as possible started with something.

Loooking forward to meet all of you.



Fredrik Hellberg
Bitr. studierektor

Stockholms universitet
106 91 Stockholm
Roslagstullsbacken 21
Tel: 08-5537 8133
Mobil: 072-147 34 62
E-post: fredrik.hellberg at fysik.su.se

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