[Drand] Signatures on ISPs

Sten Hellman sten at fysik.su.se
Thu Dec 3 16:14:48 CET 2020

Dear all,
in the current situation the process of collecting the signatures on the ISP can be cumbersome and slow. There are two alternative ways to speed things up and simplify that we accept either of two alternative methods:

- You pass the pdf around, and each persons signs in the pdf, this could be either by printing-signing-scanning or by adding a digital signature to the document.

- Alternatively each person who should sign send me an e-mail, with the pdf of the ISP attached, stating that you are prepared to sign-off on the ISP attached to the mail they send to me.

And don't forget the mandatory appendix on the effects of the Covid-19 pandemic


Sten Hellman
Fysikum / Dept. of Physics
Stockholms universitet / University of Stockholm
106 91 Stockholm  /  SE 106 91 Stockholm, Sweden

Tel. 08 5537 8667 / +46 8 5537 8667
Fax. 08 5537 8601 / +46 8 5537 8601

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