[Drand] Compensation for TA extra work

Fredrik Hellberg hellberg at fysik.su.se
Tue May 18 15:25:52 CEST 2021


It has now been over a year with Corona restrictions and thanks to you
the education has continued very well under the circumstances.

The PhD council has been in contact  with Per-Erik Tegner about
extension of the end date for your PhD studies. As your teaching duties
may also have been taken longer than normal you can be compensated for
this as well and some of you have already contacted me.

If you think you have worked more than what you are given hours, please
discuss this with the teacher responsible for the course and estimate 
how many
hours it can be. Note that if you have worked more than normal
and it is still withing the hours you get you will not be
compensated. Send me an email with number of hours you have been given
for the assignment and number of hours you want in addition to that to 
compensate for the extra work.
Please send it to me (cc course responsible) before May 31.

Best regards,


Fredrik Hellberg
Bitr. studierektor

Stockholms universitet
106 91 Stockholm
Roslagstullsbacken 21
Tel: 08-5537 8133
Mobil: 072-147 34 62
E-post: fredrik.hellberg at fysik.su.se

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