[Drand] Information from the Student Union: representation at the central and area level

Nadia Flodgren nadia.flodgren at fysik.su.se
Wed Dec 1 11:43:49 CET 2021

Information from the Student Union:

Are you interested in influencing education for PhD students at the central or area level?

On the 20/12, the Central PhD student Council, CDR will have their annual meeting and they will then elect new PhD student representatives to several bodies at central and area level. These are important groups that prepare decisions that affect PhD students throughout the university. The following groups need representatives:

  *   Arbetsgivar- och medarbetarutskottet, Am-committee
  *   Budgetberedningen Humanvetenskapliga området
  *   Beredning för utbildning på forskarnivå, BUF (area of human science)
  *   Civis student council
  *   Områdesnämnden Humanvetenskapliga området, ON (area of human science)
  *   Rektors beredning för utbildningsutvärdering och system för kvalitetssäkring, REBUS
  *   Utbildning- och studentutskottet, US- committee

Through a representation assignment, you get the opportunity to:

  *   2 days + one day extension per meeting. For particularly time-consuming assignments, where the meeting time can amount to 4 hours or longer, a doctoral student can be replaced with a 2-day extension per meeting. The main rule is always that the extension must correspond to the work effort that the assignment requires.
  *   Gain credentials and experience for a future professional life
  *   Influence your and other PhD students education

This year you can also apply for the role as Chair of the Central PhD student council. The position as chair in CDR does not require that you are an elected member of any other board such as the faculty board. However, it is meritorious if you have experience of working within a board.

This positions gives you the opportunity to:

  *   Have a key role in driving change and making sure that PhD students’ situation are being raised on a central level.
  *   A 40-day extension/year (See further Rules for education and examination at doctoral level p.26)

More information about the various representation assignments and on how you apply can be found here: https://www.sus.su.se/centrala-rd/blog-post-title-two-jaj99


Centrala doktorandrådet (CDR) — SUS<https://www.sus.su.se/centrala-rd/blog-post-title-two-jaj99>
Centrala doktorandrådet (CDR) samlar representanter på forskarnivå från alla fakultetsråd, inklusive Juridicums doktorandråd • E-post till rådet: cdr at sus.su.se

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