[Drand] Fwd: [Studierektorerfu-at-science.su.se] New course - What happens after the PhD?

Per-Erik Tegnér tegner at fysik.su.se
Mon Feb 7 12:27:49 CET 2022

Info new PhD course: What happens after the PhD


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Subject: 	[Studierektorerfu-at-science.su.se] New course - What happens 
after the PhD?
Date: 	Mon, 7 Feb 2022 11:50:41 +0100
From: 	Ulrika Kaby <ulrika.kaby at su.se>
To: 	studierektorerfu at science.su.se <studierektorerfu at science.su.se>
CC: 	Emily Freeland <emily at astro.su.se>

*/Studi/**/erektorer för forskarutbildning vid Naturvetenskapliga 

/Nedan finner ni information om den nya Fakultetsgemensamma kursen som 
syftar till att fakultetens doktorander ska bli bättre rustade för vad 
som kommer efter deras forskarstudier, både inom akademin, men också 
arbetslivet utanför och att starta eget företag./


/Sprid gärna info om kursen till era doktorander. Det är redan ca 70 
anmälda, men det finns plats//förfler (en del kommer vara uppdelat för 
respektive sektion)./

/Tom Britton, ordförande i Forskarutbildningsberedningen/

*What happens after the PhD?*

A career development course (1.5hp) for PhD students and postdocs in the 
SU Natural Sciences Faculty.

*March 11, 18, 25 & April 1, 8  from  13.15 - 15.15 - online*

*Sign-up for the course using this survey. 
<https://survey.su.se/Survey/44362> *

(You are welcome to follow the course without receiving credit - but 
please do still sign-up. If you remember that you already filled out the 
survey in December then you don't need to fill it out again.)

/"Should I take this class now or later?" /Don't wait until the last 
year of your contract. You will prepare and apply for academic jobs more 
than 1 year before you want to start one. Non-academic jobs generally 
take 8-12 months to find (and with new laws you need to start earlier if 
you are from outside the EU). You may also want to plan to tailor some 
of the work you do during your PhD studies or postdoc to help you gain 
skills for your next position.

Course topics include the job market for PhDs, identity and modern work, 
networking at conferences and other events, CVs and cover letters 
(academic vs non-academic), LinkedIn as a career research tool, starting 
your own company, and interviews. The course will be taught in English.

All are welcome to join the Slack workspace which will be the hub for 
the course + a place to go for general career tips. 

See you in March!


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