[Drand] the new digital ISP

Sten Hellman sten at fysik.su.se
Tue Feb 15 18:07:09 CET 2022

Hello all.

There are many of us who struggle a bit with the new digital ISP system. At todays meeting with KUF it was suggested that we should try to build a FAQ to help each other along. This is a very good idea, which we will try to realize. I would therefore like to encourage all of you who have ideas on how to improve the system, or questions on how it is supposed to work.
With this as a basis we can start to improve the documentation and perhaps also create a FAQ-page.

For me this will be extra useful since I am member of a SU-wide reference group tasked with prioritizing what modifications/developments should be first in line, so getting a good overview of what users experience is very important for me.

So don't hesitate to get in touch.

Sten Hellman
Fysikum / Dept. of Physics
Stockholms universitet / University of Stockholm
106 91 Stockholm  /  SE 106 91 Stockholm, Sweden

Tel. 08 5537 8667 / +46 8 5537 8667
Fax. 08 5537 8601 / +46 8 5537 8601

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