[Drand] docent lecture

Svante Jonsell jonsell at fysik.su.se
Thu May 19 13:41:31 CEST 2022

Dear colleagues,

we have another docent lecture coming up next week.

This time Markus Kowalewski will give a lecture about Nuclear Quantum Dynamics and Time Resolved Spectroscopy of Molecules

Time: Monday May 23 at 13.00
Place: FA32

In the lecture, we will explore the basics of the dynamics of
nuclear motion described by the Schrödinger equation. We will explain
how nuclear wave packets are formed and visualize their motion in an
excited molecule. In the second part of the lecture, we will discuss
how the wave packet picture can be used to understand time resolved
spectroscopy. Spectroscopy with ultra-fast pulses in the femtosecond
regime is widely used to investigate photochemical processes in molecules.
To illustrate the connection between the two, we will take a look Zewail's
famous sodium iodide experiment, which lead to the Nobel Prize in 1999.

Zoom link: https://stockholmuniversity.zoom.us/j/65488370247 <https://stockholmuniversity.zoom.us/j/65488370247>

You are all most welcome to attend!

Svante Jonsell
on behalf of the docent committee
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