[Drand] Fwd: [Studierektorerfu-at-science.su.se] What happens after the PhD? A course on what is possible and how to prepare.

Per-Erik Tegnér tegner at fysik.su.se
Fri Aug 26 13:23:19 CEST 2022



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Subject: 	[Studierektorerfu-at-science.su.se] What happens after the 
PhD? A course on what is possible and how to prepare.
Date: 	Wed, 24 Aug 2022 14:15:59 +0200
From: 	Emily Freeland <emily.e.freeland at gmail.com>
To: 	studierektorerfu at science.su.se <studierektorerfu at science.su.se>

Hi all, please forward this information to the PhD students and postdocs 
in your departments.
Emily Freeland

*What happens after the PhD? *(Beginning in October, online)
A career development course (1.5hp) for PhD students and postdocs in the 
Natural Science Faculty at Stockholm University. All are welcome to 
follow the course with (or without) receiving credits.

Course topics include the job market for PhDs, identity and modern work, 
networking at conferences and other events, CVs and cover letters 
(academic & non-academic), LinkedIn as a career research tool, and 
interviews. The course will be taught interactively online, in English, 
over a 5 week period.

Indicate your interest in taking the course (or following without 
credits) using this survey. <https://survey.su.se/Survey/46933>

/"Should I take this class now or later?"/ Don't wait until the last 
year of your contract. You will prepare and apply for academic jobs 
about 1 year before you want to start one. And, non-academic jobs 
generally take 6-12 months to secure. Many of the skills you will learn 
in this course can be used throughout your PhD student experience.

All are welcome to join this Slack workspace (whether you take the 
course or not) which will be the hub for the course + a place to go for 
general career planning information. 


P.S. What previous students have said about this course:

  * /I would suggest SU to make this course compulsory for every
    student. Emily has lots of personal experiences with former students
    which she likes to share./
  * /The best thing about the course was how much knowledge Emily has
    about the job market and tips for interviews and CV/skills etc!
    She’s amazing at being a career coach and I think every PhD
    student/postdoc would benefit from taking this course! It’s so
    important to know these things and I like that she gives us the
    “hard truths”. It’s tough out there but she gave me some hope for
    the future! She has been so helpful./
  * /I really liked the focus on practical tips and preparations. Really
    nice that the homework was also things that you need to do anyway./
  * /I also appreciated the frankness of the discussion and advice, and
    the depth and detail of the information we received./
  * /Interactive and full of useful information./

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