[Astronomy seminar] Astronomy Seminar on Friday 15 December

Astronomy seminar announcements seminars-announce.astro-at-su.se at lists.su.se
Mon Dec 11 18:46:17 CET 2017

Dear all,

The next Astronomy Seminar, and the final one for the 2017, will be:

*** Friday 15 of December from 10:30 to 11:30 at FC 61 ***


Speaker: Celine Peroux, Laboratoire dʼAstrophysique de Marseille

Title: The Cosmic Baryon Cycle: Accretion, Outflows and the 
Circum-Galactic Medium

Abstract: Studies of the circumgalactic medium are crucial for 
understanding both the inflows of gas accreting into galaxies and the 
outflows carrying away the energy and metals generated inside galaxies. 
We have shown that a powerful tool to study this so-called "baryon 
cycle" is offered by absorption lines observed in background quasar 
spectra which trace the neutral gas reservoir for star formation. It is 
also essential to complement the absorption spectroscopy with imaging of 
the stellar component and cold gas content of the absorbing galaxies. We 
find that while Integral field spectroscopy (IFS) has proven an 
efficient way to detect these objects in emission, radio observations 
are just starting to unveil their molecular gas content. I will present 
new MUSE and ALMA observations which, together, provide fresh clues on 
the physics of gas flows. I will
discuss prospects of detecting the circumgalactic medium in emission and 
other future progress which will likely impact galaxy formations studies 
at all cosmic epochs.

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