[Astronomy seminar] Astronomy seminar Friday 22/3 10:30 FC61: Sofie Liljegren

Astronomy seminar announcements seminars-announce.astro-at-su.se at lists.su.se
Mon Mar 18 09:08:36 CET 2019

Astronomy seminar

Time & location: Friday 22/3, 10:30 in FC61

Speaker: Sofie Liljegren (SU)

Title: Stellar winds of cool giants

Exploring and understanding the lives and deaths of stars are 
fundamental goals of astronomical research. Stars in the late stages of 
stellar evolution are of particularly interest as they are major sites 
for nucleosynthesis, where the processed material later returned to the 
cosmic matter cycle is produced. Massive stars are the main contributors 
of heavy elements through supernova explosions, but 
low-to-intermediate-mass giants are believed to be responsible for at 
least one third of all the carbon produced, a significant fraction of 
the heavier s-process elements as well as (possibly?) a significant 
amount of cosmic dust. Such stars are also (maybe?) progenitors to type 
1A supernovae. It is of great importance to not only observe but also 
describe these cool giants with realistic models based on first 
principle. In this seminar I will present the main results from my PhD 
thesis, where I theoretically explore the dynamics and mass-loss 
mechanism of low-to-intermediate mass stars on the Asymptotic Giant 
Branch (AGB).

Other upcoming Friday activities:

29/3 (Fri) @ 10:30 : Emilia Kilpua (Helsinki)
5/4 (Fri) @ 10:30: Christian Herenz (SU)
12/4 (Fri) : Open slot, NO SEMINAR scheduled (yet)
26/4 (Fri) @ 10:30: Ernst de Mooij (Dublin)
26/4 (Fri) @ 13:00: PhD defence of Tine Libbrecht in FB52

All welcome!
        Alexis Brandeker (Astronomy seminar organiser VT 2019)

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