[Astronomy seminar] Reminder: Astronomy departmental seminar on Thursday September 28th (**DIFFERENT DATE AND PLACE**) at 10:30am - Néstor Espinoza (Space Telescope Science Institute - Johns Hopkins University)

Astronomy seminar announcements seminars-announce.astro-at-su.se at lists.su.se
Thu Sep 28 08:21:28 CEST 2023

Dear all,

This is a reminder of the next SU astronomy departmental seminar that will take place today Thursday, in about 130 minutes, at 10:30am in room FB42 (AlbaNova building, 4th floor, check: https://www.kth.se/places/room/id/d0adc673-3b21-4590-8e07-4995c3c449df for a map) and on zoom (https://stockholmuniversity.zoom.us/s/61002076352). As usual, we encourage you to attend in person if possible.


Speaker: Néstor Espinoza (Space Telescope Science Institute - Johns Hopkins University)

Title: Exploring new frontiers in exoplanetary science with JWST



The scientific results from the first year of scientific operations of the James Webb Space Telescope (JWST) has delivered the promise: it is humanity's sharpest eye to look at the infrared Universe. From being able to detect the faint light of the first galaxies to being able to characterize the atmospheres of Earth-sized worlds, the observatory's unique capabilities is allowing it to perform a wide range of exciting science, that is already changing our perspectives on how we understand our Universe. In this talk, I will introduce the new frontiers JWST is exploring in the field of exoplanetary science during this very first year of scientific operations, with a special focus on transiting exoplanets. Through some early results on new dimensions being explored for gas giant exoplanets, as well as prospects for the first looks at the atmospheres and surfaces of small, rocky exoplanets, I will show how JWST is changing our understanding of planetary systems in the cosmos, and how this could allow us to put our own Solar System in this exoplanetary context.


We look forward to seeing many of you there. Thanks!

Adur and Adélaïde

Upcoming Events:

2023-10-06 Matilde Mingozzi

2023-10-13 Guillaume Guiglion

2023-10-20 Adam Rains

2023-10-27 Maryam Saberi

2023-11-03 TBD

2023-11-10 Alberto Saldana Lopez

2023-11-17 TBD

2023-11-24 Aline Chu

2023-12-01 TBD

You can subscribe to the seminars calendar in: https://ttt.astro.su.se/ical/astro-seminars.ics

(Please note that we are currently experiencing some technical issues with the calendar and it is currently not displaying some of the incoming events)

(Please note that calendar can be subject to updates)


Join Zoom Meeting:


Meeting ID: 610 0207 6352

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