[Astronomy seminar] Reminder: Astronomy departmental seminar Friday October 13 at 10:30am - Guillaume Guiglion (ZAH/ LSW, MPIA)

Astronomy seminar announcements seminars-announce.astro-at-su.se at lists.su.se
Fri Oct 13 10:09:04 CEST 2023

Dear all,

This is a reminder of the weekly SU astronomy departmental seminar that will take place in about 20 minutes, at 10:30am in room FC61 (AlbaNova building, 6th floor) and on zoom (https://stockholmuniversity.zoom.us/s/61002076352). As usual, we encourage you to attend in person if possible.

Speaker:  Guillaume Guiglion (ZAH/ LSW, MPIA)

Title: Machine-learning for stellar spectroscopy: from RAVE to Gaia-RVS & 4MOST

Event: https://indico.fysik.su.se/e/guillaume-guiglion


In this seminar, I will present recent developments in the field of machine-learning applied to stellar spectra in the context of large scale spectroscopic surveys, such as Gaia-ESO and RAVE. I will particularly focus on Gaia DR3, which provided the community with approximately one million RVS spectra covering the CaII triplet region. One third of the spectra have a signal-to-noise ratio from 15 to 25 per pixel. I will demonstrate that precise parametrization can be achieved for such a type of dataset by using machine-learning and the full power of the Gaia data. I will present a new approach in the form of a hybrid Convolutional Neural-Network (CNN) to derive atmospheric parameters (Teff, log(g), and [M/H]) and chemical abundances ([Fe/H] and [α/M]).

Our CNN is designed to effectively combine the Gaia DR3 RVS spectra, photometry (G, Bp, Rp), parallaxes, and XP coefficients and is able to extract additional information from non-spectral inputs to   supplement the limited spectral coverage of the RVS spectra. We manage to characterize the [α/M] − [M/H] bimodality from the inner regions to the outer part of the Milky Way, which has never been characterized using RVS spectra or similar datasets. I will also discuss the benefits of using CNNs for future  large scale spectroscopic surveys such as 4MOST.


We look forward to seeing many of you there. Thanks!

Adur and Adélaïde

Upcoming Events:

2023-10-20 Adam Rains
2023-10-27 Maryam Saberi
2023-11-03 TBA
2023-11-10 Alberto Saldana Lopez
2023-11-17 TBA
2023-11-24 Aline Chu
2023-12-01 Heitor Ernandes
2023-12-08 Quentin Perceval Xavier Pognan

You can subscribe to the seminars calendar in: https://ttt.astro.su.se/ical/astro-seminars.ics

(Please note that calendar can be subject to updates)


Join Zoom Meeting:
Meeting ID: 610 0207 6352
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