[SocBiN] Talk by Nir Ben Tal today

Arne Elofsson arne at bioinfo.se
Thu Oct 22 03:03:00 CEST 2020

Dear All,

Please remember our DBB seminar today (*Oct 22 at 4 pm*) that is given by Prof.
Nir Ben Tal, Tel Aviv University, Israel.  Who will talk about:

*“Protein archeology: How proteins emerged and evolve?” *

*Abstract: *Since their emergence about 3.7 billion years ago, proteins
have been key to life as we know it. But how did they emerge and continue
to evolve? The straightforward path, involving the addition of one amino
acid after another—starting from scratch, is bound to fail, as the vast
majority of such arbitrary strings can't even form stable structures, which
are essential to function. Therefore, instead, evolution follows a
cut-and-paste approach, where amino acid segments from existing proteins
are grafted and stitched together to form new proteins. We know this,
because the latter approach leaves traces, in the form of reused segments.
By tracing these, we aim to decipher the origin of proteins, similarly to
archeologists tracing human history. The talk will mainly cover the work
published in Nepomnyachiy et al., PNAS 2014 (PMID: 25071170), and 2017
(PMID: 29078314)), Narunsky et al 2020 (PMID: 32079721), and current
continuation (Kolodny et al, submitted*).*

Please use the following zoom link:


Kind regards,




  Arne Elofsson                  Science for Life Laboratory
  Tel:+46-(0)70 695 1045   Stockholm University
  http://bioinfo.se/               Box 1031,
  Email: arne at bioinfo.se   17121 Solna, Sweden
  Twitter:   https://twitter.com/arneelof
  Scholar: http://scholar.google.se/citations?user=s3OCM3AAAAAJ
  ORCID: 0000-0002-7115-9751
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