[Bolincentret-at-su.se] Fwd: European Climate Research Alliance Science Briefs 3 | 2014

Leonard Barrie leonard.barrie at geo.su.se
Tue Oct 14 10:42:17 CEST 2014

Dear Bolin Centre Members
Here is some interesting news from the European Climate Research Alliance
(ECRA) secretariat Brussels. The Bolin Centre is a Member of ECRA.  SMHI, a
partner of the Bolin Centre  represents Sweden on the ECRA Executive
Leonard Barrie
Research Director,  Bolin Centre for Climate Research
Professor for Climate and Atmospheric Science
Department of Geological Sciences
Stockholm University
106 91 Stockholm
leonard.barrie at geo.su.se
mobile +46761418800  work IGV +46 8164868

---------- Forwarded message ----------
From: ECRA Climate <info at ecra-climate.eu>
Date: Mon, Oct 13, 2014 at 11:17 PM
Subject: European Climate Research Alliance Science Briefs 3 | 2014
To: Leonard Barrie <leonard.barrie at geo.su.se>

    Dear ECRA fellows,

This edition of the ECRA newsletter informs you about latest news from
Brussels! This includes highlights of climate research, provides news from
the European stage as well as internal information from ECRA and its
Collaborative Programmes and upcoming events organized or joined by ECRA.

Happy reading and kind regards from Brussels,

Tina Swierczynski and Uta Klönne

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   [image: ECRA Header]  d  Newsletter 03 | 2014  [image: SCIENCE]


*NASA’s ARISE studies climate impacts of Arctic sea ice loss*The Arctic
Radiation-IceBridge Sea and Ice Experiment (ARISE) field campaign
investigates the effects of sea ice retreat on the Arctic climate, by
conducting research flights during the peak of summer sea ice melt in
September. The collected data comprise sea ice conditions, incoming solar
and outgoing thermal radiation as well as clouds, which also helps
verifying satellite measurements.
 Read more <http://www.nasa.gov/mission_pages/icebridge/>


*Polar research: Six priorities for Antarctic science*The Scientific
Committee on Antarctic Research (SCAR), comprised of 75 scientists and
policy-makers from 22 countries, formulated in April 2014 the priorities
for Antarctic research for the next twenty years. They identified 80 most
pressing scientific questions, falling broadly into six themes. These
include the global reach of the Antarctic region, ice sheet mass loss, and
Antarctic ecosystems.
 Read more

high impact events

*Amplified mid-latitude planetary waves favour particular regional weather
extremes *While extreme weather events have ostensibly increased in
frequency in the Northern Hemisphere mid-latitudes during the past decades,
the question remains as to whether this is of natural or anthropogenic
origin. This study shows that months of extreme mid-latitude weather are
accompanied by significantly amplified quasi-stationary mid-tropospheric
planetary waves. The effect depends on the geographical region and the type
of extreme weather.
Read the article

*Climate change impacts on wildfires in a Mediterranean environment *Scientists
at the Institute of Atmospheric Sciences and Climate (ISAC) of the Italian
National Research Council (CNR) have analysed the climate-driven changes in
summer wildfires over the past 40 years and their future evolution in
North-eastern Spain. The study finds that the observed fire number was
negative, although positive improvements in fire management have not been
taken into account.
Read the article

sea level
*Detection time for global and regional sea level trends and accelerations*
Sea level data is often analysed with the purpose of identifying a
long-term trend attributable to anthropogenic climate change. The
identification is a signal-to-noise problem, depending on the magnitude of
the long-term trend and the natural variability, as well as the length of
the record. This study evaluates the time required to detect centennial sea
level trends of varying degrees at global and regional scales.
Read the article

hydrological cycles
*Assessing climate change impacts on the quantity of water in Alpine
The five-year EU/FP7 “ACQWA” project (Assessing Climate Impacts on the
Quantity and quality of WAter), which ended in September 2013, focused on
upstream-downstream links related to water resources in mountains. Snow and
ice are major components of the hydrological cycle in these regions, and
thus extremely vulnerable to climatic changes. The upcoming special issue
of “Environmental Science and Policy” is dedicated to the policy
implications of the project.
Read more
     [image: EU PRESS RELEASES]

european parliament
*Hearings for Commissioners designate*
>From 29 September until 7 October, the European Parliament interviewed the
27 candidates for the new Commission, which is scheduled to take office on
1 November after a vote in plenary. A number of candidates are
controversial, among them Miguel Arias Cañete, Commissioner-designate for
Climate Action and Energy, due to his past links with the oil industry.
Also, the planned merging of the climate and energy portfolio was met with
opposition earlier by a group of MEPs, who believe it will weaken the EU’s
role in future international climate and energy negotiations.
See the hearings <http://www.europarl.europa.eu/hearings/>

dg climate action
*Use of fluorinated greenhouse gases continues to decline in the EU*
According to a recent report by the European Environment Agency (EEA), the
amount of F-gases used by industries has fallen for the third year in a
row. This is due to EU legislation in place since 2006, with new rules
coming into effect in January 2015. The EEA document draws on data reported
by companies on the production, import and export of the powerful
greenhouse gases in the EU. The majority of F-gases are used in the
refrigeration and air-conditioning industry.
Read the report

dg research and innovation
*Galway statement to be implemented*
In May 2013, the EU, the US and Canada signed the Galway Statement on
Atlantic Ocean Cooperation to launch a Trans-Atlantic Ocean Research
Alliance. At the World Ocean Council in September, DG RTD Commissioner
Máire Geoghegan-Quinn stressed the importance of collaboration in the
fields of ocean observation and data, sustainable management of ocean
resources, innovative technologies in the marine industries, as well as
maritime policies. Horizon 2020 plays an important part in this, with €57
Mio. earmarked for implementing the Galway Statement in the 2014 and 2015
work programmes.
Read the speech <http://europa.eu/rapid/press-release_SPEECH-14-638_en.htm>

jpi climate
*New office in Brussels*
A new central JPI Climate office will operate in Brussels. Accordingly, two
job positions are announced. JPI Climate is a collaboration between 14
European countries <http://www.jpi-climate.eu/programme/membercountries> to
coordinate jointly their climate research and fund new transnational
research initiatives.
Further information <http://www.jpi-climate.eu/>
     [image: FP7 & HORIZON 2020]

The new working programme in Horizon 2020 will be written for 2016/2017.
Accordingly, public consultations are performed in order to receive the
public interest on research topics or proposed focus areas.

*Stakeholder Consultation on Horizon 2020 Societal Challenge 5*
This public consultation finished on 16th June 2014. The EU Commission
recently published a short summary of the public consultation.
Read more

*Stakeholder Consultation: Streamlining EU funding in the Arctic*
This public consultation is open until: 1st December 2014.
Further information
     [image: INTERNAL]

The ECRA General Assembly 2015 will take place on 25-26 March 2015 at the
Bavarian Representation, Brussels. The programme will follow soon.

*Executive Committee Meeting*
The 8th ECRA Executive Committee meeting was held on 2nd October in
Brussels. A new co-chair was elected: Dr. Hans Larsen (Technical University
of Denmark), who has been involved in ECRA from the beginning. We also
welcome Dr. Gianmaria Sannino (ENEA, Italy) who will be the chair of the
“Collaborative Programme Sea Level Change”. The next ECRA Executive
Committee meeting will take place on 26th March in Brussels after the ECRA
General Assembly.

*ECRA-Collaborative Programme “Hydrological Cycles”*The CP Hydrological
Cycles will organize a Workshop on 30-31 October in Rome
(ISAC-CCNR/LMU/ECRA) entitled: “Cross‐scale Interactions in the Continental
Water Cycle”. The workshop intends bringing together researchers who are
interested in advancing science by exchanging on recent findings and
current limits. The workshop furthermore intends to strengthen
collaboration in ECRA network. The Programme and registration details are
now available on the website.
Further information <http://www.ecra-climate.eu/>

feedback and contact
European Climate Research Alliance
Rue du Trône 98
1050 Brussels, Belgium
Phone: +32 2 5000 983
Fax: +32 2 5000 980
Email: info[at]ecra-climate.eu

by clicking here

legal notice
You can find the ECRA Disclaimer here
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