[Bolincentret-at-su.se] Bolin Centre [FYI]: CALL for Applicants for SSEESS Planning Grant for Sustainable Solutions

Karin Jonsell karin.jonsell at su.se
Wed Oct 15 08:36:52 CEST 2014

Dear Bolin Centre Scientists,

Please see below for a call from SSEESS.

Best regards,

Dr. Karin Jonsell
Scientific Coordinator

Bolin Centre for Climate Research
Stockholm University
SE-106 91 Stockholm, Sweden

Visiting address: Room S314, Geoscience Building at Frescati, Svante Arrhenius väg 8, Stockholm
Phone: +46 (0)8 674 75 97
Mobile: +46 (0)70 206 2445
E-mail: karin.jonsell at su.se


The Bolin Centre for Climate Research is a collaboration between Stockholm University, KTH and the Swedish Meteorological and Hydrological Institute.

Begin forwarded message:

> From: Ellenor Devine <ellenor.devine at sseess.kva.se>
> Subject: CALL for Applicants for SSEESS Planning Grant for Sustainable Solutions
> Date: 14 oktober 2014 15:11:48 CEST
> Call for Applicants for SSEESS Planning Grant for Sustainable Solutions
> This planning grant aims to enable scientists to produce project proposals targeting one or several of five development challenges prioritized by UN Sustainable Development Solutions Network (SDSN).
> The grant can be used to cover the cost for traveling, workshops, meetings, etc. when at least one natural or social scientist affiliated with a Swedish research institution and one of his/her partners from the developing country/region concerned are working together on the project proposal.
> SSEESS will also assist grantees with the submission of the proposals resulting from this grant to the Leadership Council of SDSN. These proposals are called SDSN Solution Initiatives. If endorsed by the Leadership Council, the SDSN will seek to assist SSEESS grantees in targeting funding from industry as well as research and development funding agencies for implementation of their solution initiatives. SSEESS grantees are also encouraged and expected to apply for funding through other channels.
> Main applicants for this grant should be natural and social scientists affiliated with a Swedish research institution and have a PhD degree awarded no later than the closing date for applications in this call.
> Moreover, the proposed planning grant project should include close collaboration between the main applicant(s) and scientists from developing countries- minimum one scientist from Sweden and one partner from the developing country/region concerned. Developing countries legible for this call are those classified as Least Developing Countries, Low Income Countries, and Lower Middle Income Countries and Territories as it is stated in the DAC list of ODE recipients.
> It is an advantage if the main applicants can also show that they have partners from the Swedish industry.
> Grants of maximum SEK 100 000 each will be awarded for a six-month period, starting on 1 February and finishing on 15 August 2015.
> LAST ADMISSION DATE: 14 November 2014
> For more information and how to apply, go to the SSEESS website.
> Swedish Secretariat for Environmental Earth System Sciences (SSEESS)
> http://www.sseess.org/
> Royal Swedish Academy of Sciences
> Box 50005, SE-104 05 Stockholm, Sweden
> Visiting adress: Lilla Frescativägen 4A, 114 18 Stockholm
> +46-8 673 97 72
> info at sseess.kva.se

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