[Bolincentret-at-su.se] Bolin Centre Quarterly Newsletter Number 4

Leonard Barrie leonard.barrie at geo.su.se
Tue Oct 21 16:13:17 CEST 2014

Dear Bolin Centre Members
On behalf of Alasdair Skelton and myself please find attached the next
installment of the Bolin Centre  newsletter. It is a busy autumn 2014.
Please mark the upcoming events in your calendars.  Thanks to all who
contributed.  Please contimue to keep a log of recent accomplishments and
upcoming events for the next call for newsletter input later this year.
Leonard Barrie
Research Director,  Bolin Centre for Climate Research
Professor for Climate and Atmospheric Science
Department of Geological Sciences
Stockholm University
106 91 Stockholm
leonard.barrie at geo.su.se
mobile +46761418800  work IGV +46 8164868
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