[Bolincentret-at-su.se] Bolin Centre: Science Forum on "A Smart Carbon Tax for a Stable Climate"

Karin Jonsell karin.jonsell at su.se
Wed Oct 22 11:07:52 CEST 2014

Dear Bolin Centre Scientists,
The Bolin Centre invites you to a Science & Policy Forum 

A Smart Carbon Tax for a Stable Climate
Public debate
Stockholm University invites you to participate in a public debate about the economic incentives for reducing the carbon dioxide emissions to the atmosphere. 

Since the IPCC report in Stockholm September 2013, there has been growing acceptance worldwide of the need to control emissions of carbon dioxide to the atmosphere. Various economic strategies are currently being considered by many constituencies in Sweden and internationally. 

The goal of this forum is to discuss how research results can be channelled into policy. The Citizens’ Climate Lobby, CCL, will present their strategy »Fee and Dividend« commented by macro-economists from the Institute for Interantional Economic Studies of Stockholm University. Discussions with the audience moderated by the Bolin Centre Director for Research will then follow.

Date:		27 November, 2014
Time:		13:00–14:30 
Place: 		Ahlmannsalen, Geoscience Building, Stockholm University  

Bolin Centre for Climate Research,
Stockholm University
Leonard Barrie, Professor for Climate and Atmospheric Science 

Institute for International Economic Studies, Stockholm University
John Hassler, Professor of Economics
Per Krusell, Professor of Economics

Klimatsvaret - CCL
Citizens’ Climate Lobby of Sweden
Lars Almström, former teacher
Ingela Bollgren Hjertqvist, medical doctor, MD
Ann Helleday, psychologist
Matts Hjerqvist, dentist
Sven Linnman, electronic engineer

Best regards,

Dr. Karin Jonsell
Scientific Coordinator

Bolin Centre for Climate Research
Stockholm University
SE-106 91 Stockholm, Sweden

Visiting address: Room S314, Geoscience Building at Frescati, Svante Arrhenius väg 8, Stockholm
Phone: +46 (0)8 674 75 97
Mobile: +46 (0)70 206 2445
E-mail: karin.jonsell at su.se


The Bolin Centre for Climate Research is a collaboration between Stockholm University, KTH and the Swedish Meteorological and Hydrological Institute.

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