[Bolincentret-at-su.se] Awarding of the Rossby Prize for Geophysics 2014 Ceremony-Lectures 7 November

Leonard Barrie leonard.barrie at geo.su.se
Mon Oct 27 11:24:46 CET 2014

Dear Bolin Centre Members
Please note that the Swedish National Committee for Geophysics has decided
to award the 2014 Rossby prize to   Ilmo Kukkonen, University of Helsinki,
Finland, for a "prominent and cross-border work with the Earth's heat flow
and crustal structure and properties."

The Rossby Prize is awarded in memory of Professor Carl-Gustaf Rossby, for
significant scientific contributions related to Nordic geophysics. The
distribution of the price is made by the Swedish National Committee for
Geophysics The award is usually out every three years. The prize consists
of a commemorative gift, which this year is a bronze bust of Carl-Gustaf
Rossby. The awards ceremony takes place at a geoscientific seminar prize
lecture. See attached detailed program. Please register in advance at>

*http://kva.se/Rossby2014 <http://kva.se/Rossby2014> *

Leonard Barrie
Research Director,  Bolin Centre for Climate Research
Professor for Climate and Atmospheric Science
Department of Geological Sciences
Stockholm University
106 91 Stockholm
leonard.barrie at geo.su.se
mobile +46761418800  work IGV +46 8164868
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