[Bolincentret-at-su.se] Last minute reminder: Seminar by Stefan Bertilsson 13.00 in Ahlmanslen

Marcus Sundbom Marcus.Sundbom at aces.su.se
Fri Apr 22 12:51:46 CEST 2016

Dear all,

Professor Stefan Bertilsson is invited to ACES to give an open seminar on Friday, April 22, 13.00-14.00 in Ahlmansalen. The title of Stefan’s talk is A microbial perspective on aquatic biogeochemistry.

Stefan is a Professor in Biology at the Department of Ecology & Genetics/Limnology, Uppsala University. He is also a scientific director at SciLifeLab. His research<http://www.ieg.uu.se/limnology/people/stefan-bertilsson/research-interests/> focuses on the interaction between aquatic microbial communities and the major biogeochemical cycles.

Everyone is welcome!

/Marcus Sundbom
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