[Bolincentret-at-su.se] PAST Gateways special issue in arktos (Journal of Arctic Geosciences)

Nina Kirchner nina.kirchner at natgeo.su.se
Thu Jul 27 09:55:40 CEST 2017

Dear All,

apologies for cross-posting.

I am forwarding a call for papers, for a Special Issue in the Journal of 
Arctic Geosciences (arktos).

Please see below for more information including the timeline,  or 
contact me if you are interested in submitting a paper.

Best wishes


Dear Colleagues,

We are pleased to announce that ‘arktos’ The Journal of Arctic 
Geosciences has agreed to publish a PAST Gateways special issue on 
/'Arctic environmental change beyond instrumental records' /in the first 
half of 2018. The special issue will bring together papers on the 
following themes: (1) Growth and decay of Arctic Ice Sheets, (2) Arctic 
sea-ice and ocean changes, and (3) Environmental change in non-glaciated 
Arctic settings including permafrost studies. These are intended as 
broad themes and if you have a paper on a related topic but are unsure 
as to whether it fits within the remit of the special issue please do 
email the guest editors to ask. The deadline for submission of papers to 
the special issue is November 1, 2017. We envisage that reviews will be 
complete by January 2018 and revised papers will be due by the end of 
March. This is the final special issue of the PAST Gateways network 
which will hold its 6th and last conference in Durham in April 2018.

Please note that all papers will appear on-line and can be downloaded 
once they are accepted. Authors will be able to distribute the PDF of 
their paper freely but there will also be free access for everyone to 
the online version anyway. There will be free unlimited colour in both 
the print and on-line versions of the volume (i.e., no charges for print 
versions of colour figures). There will be flexibility as to the maximum 
word limit of individual articles and lead authors will get a free hard 
copy of the special issue.

We invite all members of the PAST Gateways network to submit a paper to 
the special issue. Authors should follow the hyperlink ‘Submit Online’ 
on the journal’s webpage 
and upload their manuscript files following the ‘Instructions for 
Authors.’ In the journal’s electronic submission system, they should 
select the option ‘Special Issue – Past Gateways’ in the drop-down menu.

If you are intending to submit a paper to the special issue please can 
you email me (colm.ocofaigh at durham.ac.uk 
<mailto:colm.ocofaigh at durham.ac.uk>) before the end of July with the 
‘provisional’ title.

With best regards,

Colm O’Cofaigh, Nina Kirchner, Grigory Fedorov, Riko Noormets and Anne 
de Vernal (Guest Editors)


Professor Colm O'Cofaigh

Department of Geography

Durham University

Science Site, South Road

Durham, DH1 3LE


Ph: 0044 (0) 1913341890

Fax: 0044 (0) 1913341801

Email: colm.ocofaigh at durham.ac.uk <mailto:colm.ocofaigh at durham.ac.uk>

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