[Bolincentret-at-su.se] This week's MISU PhD seminar is moved to next week: Double PhD seminar Sept 21st

Susanne Frej Ekman susanne.ekman at misu.su.se
Tue Sep 12 16:23:15 CEST 2017

Hi all,

The seminar on Thursday September 14th has been moved to next week, sorry about the short notice.
This means that we will have two seminars on Thursday 21st, starting at 14.15:

·        Turbulence effect on coagulational growth of cloud droplets<http://www.misu.su.se/about-us/events/seminars/obs-new-date-seminar-xiang-yu-li-misu-nordita-1.335769>

·        Boundary layer clouds and cloud transitions along the GPCI transect in CFMIP-CMIP5 models<http://www.misu.su.se/about-us/events/seminars/seminar-eva-l-nygren-misu-1.346579>
Eva L. Nygren - MISU

Time and Place
Thursday 21st 2017, 14.15-15.15
Rossbysalen C609, Arrhenius Laboratory, 6th floor


Best regards,
Susanne Ekman

Susanne Frej Ekman
Science Communicator
Department of Meteorology (MISU)
Stockholm University
106 91 Stockholm
Visiting address: Arrhenius Laboratory, Svante Arrhenius Väg 16C
Phone: +46(0)8-16 17 51
Mobile: +46(0)72-147 43 17
Email: susanne.ekman at misu.su.se

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