[Okc-wp4] Nordita workshop on particle energization problems

Juri Poutanen juri.poutanen at gmail.com
Fri Aug 25 15:20:17 CEST 2017

Dear colleagues, 

during the next week we will hosting a workshop "Exascale thinking of particle energization problems” at Nordita 
astrophysics building. 

The workshop aims to discuss the state-of-the-art approaches, challenges for the next-generation hybrid MHD-PiC and radiation-PiC methods and outline the problems to be answered by the new exascale simulations of Nature in silico. It will bring together experts in high-performance computing, numerical methods, plasma physics and radiative processes. 

The program of the workshop is available at http://www.nordita.org/exa2017 

You are welcome to listen to the talks. 

Best regards,
workshop organizers

Axel Brandenburg 
Aake Nordlund 
Joonas Nättilä
Juri Poutanen 
Alexandra Veledina

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