[Drand] VB: Information for student and PhD student councils

Kajsa Blomdahl kajsamy.blomdahl at fysik.su.se
Wed May 13 11:58:29 CEST 2020

Från: representant-at-science.su.se <representant-at-science.su.se-bounces at lists.su.se> för Pil Maria Saugmann <pilmaria.saugmann at fysik.su.se>
Skickat: den 12 maj 2020 12:26
Till: nfr at science.su.se; representant at science.su.se
Kopia: Victor Karlström
Ämne: [Science Faculty Representative] Information for student and PhD student councils

Hej NFR,

First of all, we hope that you are all okay.

We have in the presidium of NFR collected some useful information about the situation due to COVID-19. Some of you are probably already aware of this information, some of the information is mostly relevant for students and some for PhD students, but we wanted to make sure that this information reaches as many as possible, we  therefore we also ask you to forward this email to your student and PhD student councils.

The email is very long, but the information is quite important. It has four sections: 1) Improve your study-at home habits (students), 2) National initiatives: contains links on how to report issues students and PhD students faces due to COVID-19 to the national student organization SFS, 3) Keeping track of extra hours (PhD students), and 4) The question about prolongation.

For students: Improve you study-at home habits

For undergraduate student SUS and Studenthälsan offers help with how to improve your study-at home habits. You can find more information at SUS home page here. <https://sus.su.se/kalender//improve-your-study-at-home-habits-with-studenthlsan>

For PhD students the labor unions ST and SULF offers similar initiatives. Some are only open for members, but some are open for all.

For students: Exception

For students and PhD students: National initiatives

Sveriges förenade studentkårer (SFS) has compiled a list about issues that students and doctoral students can run into due to COVID-19, which you can find here.<https://www.sfs.se/blogg/lista-over-coronarelaterade-studentproblem?fbclid=IwAR2oaoFD4eD2xKcluP8prcxG3pSQ4B2yuuCJBplR5eO5ewajYL916nelE_k> <https://www.sfs.se/blogg/lista-over-coronarelaterade-studentproblem?fbclid=IwAR2oaoFD4eD2xKcluP8prcxG3pSQ4B2yuuCJBplR5eO5ewajYL916nelE_k> It is quite comprehensive and it is regularly updated.  It is in Swedish but the doctoral students committee in SFS (SFS-DK) updates an English summary<https://docs.google.com/document/d/1PRh4oiz863t5Rtd6-j8pId1UZjzm6MOKlUMmATLIogQ/edit?fbclid=IwAR0PH5UqaWugy1WGq61ALW14smoRguV-SU5a9zDcnInxM7tP0CCb15cazLk>

If you have experienced any negative consequences in regards to your education due to COVID-19 there is the possibility of let SFS know about these issues. They have one google form for bachelor and master students<https://docs.google.com/forms/d/e/1FAIpQLSd6v_Wk9FFoegEmYoEtvpJk_pkaSDXfTZCY42iICKAsB2GGlQ/viewform><https://docs.google.com/forms/d/e/1FAIpQLSd6v_Wk9FFoegEmYoEtvpJk_pkaSDXfTZCY42iICKAsB2GGlQ/viewform> and one google form for PhD students.<https://docs.google.com/forms/d/e/1FAIpQLSeKWTcL6Tz2B4V5cjK3yNZ8w_RZPtoneBT9HXZKB1ffdfc5sg/viewform> <https://forms.gle/B8Bjn1NBUrxNeFNDA>

For PhD students: Extra time spent on teaching and other departmental duties.

Since many PhD-students are teaching during their PhD, the shift to online teaching can have increased their workload. If this is the case, it can be wise to document any extra time spent on teaching, and do it now while you still remember how much extra time (if any) you spent on adjusting your teaching to fit the online format etc.

You can then refer to this documentation when your teaching duties for next semester are scheduled or when you request extension for your teaching.

How you choose to document the extra time is less important than just getting it done. A post-it by your computer in many ways works just as well as an excel-sheet. So do it now, while you remember!

For PhD students: The question about prolongation.

“The Faculty of Science has issued a statement about PhD studies and you can read it here.<https://www.su.se/english/about/news-and-events/university-news/covid-19-what-applies-to-doctoral-studies-and-dissertations-1.491515> <https://www.su.se/english/about/news-and-events/university-news/covid-19-what-applies-to-doctoral-studies-and-dissertations-1.491515>
It does not specifically mention prolongation but it does say what happens if you can’t complete courses in time and that we can “continue to run our projects under the same conditions as other researchers at SU”. From discussion in the Faculty Working Group the opinion is that no prolongation will be awarded barring exceptional circumstances.
We can together in NFR raise the issue to SUS and CDR, provided that we have any opinions from the student and PhD student councils to raise. So far we have not been contacted by any PhD councils about prolongation.

Best regards,
Christina, Martin, Pil & Victor
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