[Astronomy seminar] Astronomy departmental seminar Friday April 12 at 10:30am - Alex Riley (Durham University)

Astronomy seminar announcements seminars-announce.astro-at-su.se at lists.su.se
Mon Apr 8 11:09:59 CEST 2024

Dear all,

This week we will have a second SU astronomy departmental seminar that 
will take place on Friday April 12 at 10:30am in room FC61 (AlbaNova 
building, 6th floor) and on zoom 

Speaker: Alex Riley (Durham University)
Title: Revealing the ghosts of the faintest galaxies near the Milky Way
Event: https://indico.fysik.su.se/e/alex_riley 

Recent large photometric, astrometric, and spectroscopic surveys have 
begun to uncover and characterise stellar streams and other faint, 
extra-tidal debris around the Milky Way. In parallel, cosmological 
simulations have reached sufficient resolution to enable studies of 
disrupting galaxies around Milky Way-mass hosts. In this talk, I will 
present predictions from cosmological simulations, semi-analytic 
modelling, and mock observations of the tangled web of galaxies 
unravelling about the Milky Way and its fainter satellites. Upcoming 
surveys detecting these faint tidal features (or not) will unlock new 
tests of hierarchical galaxy formation at the smallest scales.

We look forward to seeing many of you there. Thanks!

Adur, Adélaïde, and Sanja

Upcoming Events:

2024-04-19 Arthur Choplin
2024-04-26 Dominique Petit
2024-05-03 Gang Li
2024-05-08 Ivo (**Seminar on WEDNESDAY**)
2024-05-10 Ray Jayawardhana (**Seminar on KLÄMDAG**)
2024-05-14 Gayathri Viswanath (**Seminar on TUSDAY**)
2024-05-17 Elena Khomenko
2024-05-24 Matteo Messa

You can subscribe to the seminars calendar in:
(Please note that calendar can be subject to updates)

Join Zoom Meeting:
Meeting ID: 622 1126 9644

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