[Bolincentret-at-su.se] Invitation to participate in AUV tests (Kongsberg Hugin, estimated delivery spring 2018)

Nina Kirchner nina.kirchner at natgeo.su.se
Tue Sep 12 20:02:10 CEST 2017

Dear all,

I am forwarding an invitation to all marine scientists, to engage in 
planning for forthcoming activities with an AUV of Hugin type, which we 
will have available in the spring of 2018.

Please see below for more information, or contact me at anytime.

Best wishes

Dear Swedish marine scientists,

we would greatly appreciate your help with spreading this information to 
all interested researchers and teachers working with marine science.

In May 2017 the project group MUST (Mobile Underwater System Tools), 
responsible for a coming Wallenberg national AUV infrastructure, signed 
a contract with Kongsberg AS and ordered a Hugin AUV. A short 
description of it and the ordered payload is attached to this email. 
Note the general payload section (60 cm long) in which other payloads 
can be fitted.

The estimated delivery time is April 2018.

The first year will be spent on courses, training and tests of the AUV 
and its payload sensors. After the first year we plan for it to be fully 
functional and ready for full-scale research projects. Projects will be 
awarded in an open application process based on objective peer-reviewed 
ranking of the projects.

It is the aim of MUST that Swedish marine research of the open oceans 
step forward and become internationally competitive in these fields 
again by using this infrastructure. We would therefor like to invite 
Swedish scientists to be involved in the trials and education activities 
during the first year. This is to make sure that both tests and 
education corresponds to the width of the requirements of the Swedish 
research environment. We are now forming 5-7 working groups (WG) that 
will be involved in planning and implementation of one test period or 
education activity each, effectively designing the tests in an area 
where they have a research interest. As a start we have, based on the 
presentations given at the Kristineberg AUV course in October 2016 
(http://marine.gu.se/aktuellt/e/?eventId=7090852988), identified 5 
suitable mission locations in which there are Swedish scientists working 
on projects. These are:

WG1: Gullmar Fjord
WG2: Skagerrak (special focus on upper water and near-surface processes)
WG3: Skagerrak (general)
WG4: Baltic Sea (oxygen-depleted area)
WG5: Baltic Sea (wintertime, including sea ice)

Note that the AUV is capable of collecting data for several research 
questions during one mission, so the working groups are supposed to have 
marine scientists working on many different questions in these 
geographic areas. For example WG3 can include benthic studies in the 
Bratten area, locating methane pockets, studies of turbidity due to 
trawling. The other WG can be equally wide and diverse.
It is also possible to create up to 2 other groups if need be.
We hereby invite interested scientists to sign up on one of the already 
identified WG, or to suggest a new topic/area for a WG. We need one 
chair for each group and we would like you to indicate if you are 
prepared to chair a WG. The WG chairs are responsible for communication 
between the WG and MUST, and for making sure that all interested Swedish 
scientists are given information and a chance to get involved. The 
chairs will also be responsible for planning of the missions together 
with the AUV operational team.

Please register your interest on the following link: 

Registration of interest for AUV working groups

Registration of interest for AUV working groups

Deadline for registration of interest is on Sept 20, 24.00.

MUST will announce the WG chairs before the end of 2017.

Many thanks,
MUST project group:
Anna Wåhlin, Michael Klages, Nina Kirchner, Leif Eriksson, Leif Andersson

For questions please contact Anna Wåhlin (anna.wahlin at marine.gu.se)

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