[Bolincentret-at-su.se] FW: Atmospheric science at high latitudes: Online data storage and visualization tools - application DL 25.9.

Ilona Riipinen Ilona.Riipinen at aces.su.se
Tue Sep 12 21:21:12 CEST 2017

Dear all,

Please spread the word about an intensive course given this autumn (see below). The course participation will be free of charge for students enrolled at Nordic Universities.

Best regards,


Ilona Riipinen
Department of Environmental Science and Analytical Chemistry (ACES)
Bolin Centre for Climate Research
Stockholm University

ilona.riipinen at aces.su.se<mailto:ilona.riipinen at aces.su.se>

From: Lauri, Antti J [mailto:antti.lauri at helsinki.fi]
Sent: den 12 september 2017 21:17
To: abs-circular at helsinki.fi; fcoe-lista at helsinki.fi; craicc-list at helsinki.fi; atm-dp-students at helsinki.fi; abs-students at helsinki.fi; actris at actris.imaa.cnr.it; synop-lista at helsinki.fi
Cc: esticc at nilu.no
Subject: Atmospheric science at high latitudes: Online data storage and visualization tools

Dear all,

We are pleased to announce the 5-ECTS intensive course "Atmospheric science at high latitudes: Online data storage and visualization tools<http://www.atm.helsinki.fi/ABS/courses/2017negi.htm>" to be held at the Hyytiälä Forestry Field Station in Southern Finland on October 23 - November 2, 2017. The course will be given as a Nordic collaboration. It will be the first in series of three courses under a NordForsk/NeGI project, Applied methodologies for improved exchange between atmospheric e-science infrastructures at high latitudes<https://www.nordforsk.org/en/programmes-and-projects/projects/applied-methodologies-for-improved-exchange-between-atmospheric-e-science-infrastructures-at-high-latitudes>.

The learning outcomes:

In the end of the course, the student will have

·       skills to design a simple relational database;

·       knowledge about existing online databases containing atmospheric and ecosystem data;

·       the ability to run basic SQL queries to retrieve data from online databases;

·       increased skills to visualize data; and

·       skills to publish data and visualizations online.

Some of the transferable skills the course strives to improve:

·       statistical analysis of field measurements;

·       multidisciplinary approach;

·       project management; and

·       collaborative learning.

The course includes an introduction to SMEAR II measurement station and the measurements done at the station.


The participants are expected to be able to write scripts using a structural programming language (e.g. Python, R, or MATLAB). Basic data analysis skills are also expected. On the course, the main tool for visualization and online publishing will be Jupyter Notebook.

The course involves a set of relevant lectures and tutorials, with the main emphasis placed on intensive group work and final report that can be written after the course. Before the course, the selected students will practice the tools to be used on the course by solving a pre-exercise. The course is primarily aimed at PhD students in atmospheric and biospheric sciences in Nordic universities (also advanced MSc students are welcome to apply). During the course the students can either use their own data or utilize long-term aerosol, air ion, trace gas, meteorological and ecophysiological data measured at field stations.

To apply to the course, please fill in the online application<https://elomake.helsinki.fi/lomakkeet/82104/lomake.html> form by September 25, 2017.

Further information about the course is available at the course webpage<http://www.atm.helsinki.fi/ABS/courses/2017negi.htm>.

Sorry for cross-posting!

Best regards, on behalf of the organizing team,

Antti Lauri

Course coordinator

PhD, Research Director
Department of Physics
Division of Atmospheric Sciences
P.O.Box 64
FI-00014 University of Helsinki

Tel. +358 2941 50718
GSM +358 50 415 4730
Email antti.lauri at helsinki.fi<mailto:antti.lauri at helsinki.fi>

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