[Socbin] Course Announcement: "Analysis of data from high-throughput molecular biology experiments"

Lukas Käll lukas.kall at scilifelab.se
Thu Dec 22 15:13:32 CET 2011

Dear All,

We, Lukas Käll, Olof Emanuelsson, and Lars Arvestad at KTH,
will give a joint course at the advanced level named "Analysis of data
from high-throughput molecular biology experiments" 7.5hp, KTH course
code BB2490 starting 16 January 2011 and finishing 14 March.

The course will cover how to analyze (i) next/now generation
sequencing data (e.g., assembly, RNA-seq, ChIP-seq) and (ii) mass
spectrometry data (e.g., peptide identification, peptide
quantification, post-translational modifications).

There are 10 lectures, 4 computer exercises and one
project. The project is done in groups of 2 or 3 students, with real
data and will be presented in poster format at a "poster session"
towards the end of the course. The official course plan is available

This year the course is co-located with "Omic Data and Systems Biology
(DD2249)", described here:
The two courses share lectures and computer exercises, but the
examination differs slightly.

If you're interested in taking this course, first talk to your
supervisor to find out if it fits into your course package, and then
email a short motivation (<100 words) of why you would like to follow
the course to lukas.kall at SciLifeLab.se.
You are also welcome to contact any of us to get more information.

Please note that the number of participants is limited.

The course is given in collaboration with Science for Life Laboratory
and the national infrastructure in next-generation sequencing, SNISS.
Lectures and computer exercises are held at the AlbaNova, KTH's main
campus and SciLifeLab, Stockholm.

Apologies for the short notice. Welcome with your application!

Lukas Käll (lukas.kall at SciLifeLab.se),
Olof Emanuelsson (olof.emanuelsson at SciLifeLab.se), and
Lars Arvestad (lars.arvestad at SciLifeLab.se)

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