[SocBiN] PhD / PD in Genetics / Bioinformatics at UMC Utrecht

Jeroen de Ridder J.deRidder-4 at umcutrecht.nl
Mon Sep 4 08:01:30 CEST 2017

Dear all,

Open position for a PhD or Postdoc in my lab at the UMC Utrecht to work on the NWO-Vidi funded project: The 4D Genome Atlas - finding noncoding disease driver mutations using genome shape maps. We aim to develop novel methods to cancer-omics data integration using machine learning.

The primary focus of the project is to integrate information on the noncoding genome, such as 3D conformation and epigenomic data, with cancer genomics data. We will follow a machine-learning approach to prioritize likely driving noncoding somatic variants.


Jeroen de Ridder, PhD

Associate professor / Principal Investigator | University Medical Center Utrecht - Center for Molecular Medicine | Address:  Universiteitsweg 100<x-apple-data-detectors://8>,  STR 1.305 | 3584 CG Utrecht, The Netherlands<x-apple-data-detectors://9> | Tel: +31 (0)88 7550406<tel:+31%2088%207550406> | Mob: +31 (0)6 24288813<tel:+31%206%2024288813> | Skype: j_de_ridder | Secretary: Monique van Schaik, M.A.H.vanSchaick at umcutrecht.nl<mailto:M.A.H.vanSchaick at umcutrecht.nl>, +31 (0)88 7568312<tel:+31%2088%207568312>


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